[center][img]http://extrawall.net/images/wallpapers/464_1920x1080_mystic_forest.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Finnegan%20Oakheart&name=CyberCaligraphic.ttf&size=80&style_color=2A7001[/img] [/center] Finnegan sat at the top of the Oakheart Palace, the highest point in the village. His father was next to him, staring off into the distance as the wind played with his hair like a lovesick child. Finn looked over to his father, a somber look on his face that contrasted with the smiling one his father offered. [b][color=forestgreen]"Dad, I need to know more about this artifact. You want me to lead a group of our finest into the great unknown to find an even greater unknown."[/color][/b] His father turned to him, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. [b][color=darkred]"Finn, I don't know anything more than that. If I did, I would've told you. All I know is that to find the artifact, you'll have to start with the Saltskins at Clarke Beach. There, they'll point you on your way,"[/color][/b] the older Watcher said. Finn nodded as he looked down at the village that he'd called home for the past two decades. The people were bustling about, unfazed by the Valeheart's declaration of war. The leaf lifts were still bringing people from one district to the other, powered by wind mages, and the shopkeepers were still selling their wares. Everything was the same. Suddenly his father clapped him on the shoulder. Finn knew why. [b][color=forestgreen]"Guess it's time to go speak with our band of adventurers,"[/color][/b] Finn said, a smirk on his face. His father nodded in response and they descended, down to the palace courtyard via viney ladder, his father slower due to his limp. The father and son duo walked into the palace, the walkway under the shade of large roses, kept alive by powerful earth mages. They walked through the elegant palace, shoes clicking on the floor and passed through a door and into the royal meeting room. The palace guard would escort Finn's soon to be companions to the room where they would discuss the adventure at hand. Finn took his spot at the head of the table, an elegant wooden object carved into the shape of a leaf. His father took his own seat while they waited for the others to arrive.