Returning from death was rarely a pleasant experience. In the void, the lost tended to see their lives played before them; a final chance to relive every success and failure seen in a lifetime, a chance to reflect on all of the wrongs they've done. For the Ju'yavāl it was a moment of ecstasy as they basked in the glory of their entire species, sharing with them every emotion and experience their people have ever felt before becoming one with the force that connected them all. Shaso͞on had been robbed of that moment twice. Once when his connection to the neural network of the Ju'yavāl was severed and was left to die in the company of his kin, again when he succumbed to the Sekváli poison and realized that he could never join his people in the Shakseer. Shaso͞on in his moment of death was made aware of how his existence would someday end and there would be no mourning among the Ju'yavāl over his death, nor would their be a celebration of his life and the warm embrace of a thousand generations past. He would one day die and that would be the end. The damson coloured Ju'yavāl snapped awake, swinging his hands at an invisible enemy, the metal door crying out like crackling lightning as his hands bludgeons themselves against it. He nearly screamed, his mind seeming to resume from the moment of near-death, his entire body trembling as he brought his limbs back in and held them tightly against himself. It took him some time to find what little calm he could muster before he found himself meditating and trying to peer into the Shakseer for some form of guidance or comfort. There was little to be found, his emotional state too volatile to enact such focused and precise work. His connection was fragile enough that the sound of footsteps was enough to rip him from his trance. He could tell who it was after a quick reach out to the mind of the nearest person. He made no attempt to look into what had happened while he was under, simply not having the strength in him to subtly comb through her thoughts for whatever it was that had happened. He'd help himself to that information soon enough, he decided, sliding the door open to see what her reason was for coming by. Before him sat a small soft green plant staring back at him, adorned with a placard stating what he suspected was his name. The other word was lost on him, but he assumed it meant well enough. He reached out of his room and pulled it in, the plant taking most of the little space that was left in his room. Shaso͞on's eyes squinted and he cocked his head in his people's version of a smile, running his fingers through the silky petals. Shaso͞on watched the plant for some time, feeling some closeness to he small leafy object that shared more with his species than the bipedal species that populate both this ship and most of the galaxy. Silently he patted the plant and stood, nearly falling when he began to move out of the room, pausing briefly to pick up the plant and take it with him. He was fully dressed, wearing the traditional warrior clothing that he typically shrouded himself in, as well as the urellian clasps which generally got past weapon checks due to his species' secretive nature. His mind was racing as he began to reach out, being flooded with the sensations of the thousands of bodies in their immediate vicinity. It had been a long time since he allowed himself to be surrounded by so many sentients. As he approached the exit of the ship, he caught sight of the one that had given him the plant he had contemplated thanking her. The sight of the other being discouraged him from bothering. Like most things, it could wait. He slid past them in silence, drawing his hood up as he moved past and descended from the ship into the bustling bay where dozens of other ships of all sizes surrounded them. Shaso͞on, doing his best to not be overwhelmed by the booming of a thousand voices in his mind, walked through the crowd in search of a window where he and his new friend could bask in the light of the nearby star and find nourishment. When he found his spot, he stood, plant cradled in his left arm, his right hand planted on the window as he stared out into the void in which the red giant sat. It was there that he found the ability to be at ease. The emptiness had always calmed him. For a moment he felt peace. But only for a moment. [hider=Cheat Sheet] [b]Banthanai[/b] - Desertscape in which the Ju'yavāl people first formed civilisation [b]Enok[/b] - Jun'té'thal's namesake; Té'thal Enok - founder of Enoksǒn, commander of the Yvon'ic'zhul. [b]Enok Shaso͞on[/b] - Jun'té'thal's title; roughly translates to "Enok of the forsaken" [b]Enoksǒn[/b] - Jun'té'thal's clan and extended family; "Legion of Enok" [b]Ju'yavāl[/b] - A bipedal telephathic and psionic species; Jun'té'thal's species [b]Kalidari[/b] - His people's name for The Dread [b]Khola[/b] - The highest caste of Ju'yavāl society; heavily influence and interact with the shakseer [b]Orous[/b] - Jun'té'thal's homeworld, part of a binary planet system with Ulinar, source of the Ju'yavāl channeling crystals [b]Passes[/b] - The Ju'yavāl year, approximately three months and two weeks long, determined by the time it takes for Orous to fully revolve around Ulinar. [b]Sekváls[/b] - Fleshy pink beings with venomous fangs and small beady eyes [b]Selendaste[/b] - Third highest caste of Ju'yavāl society; the craftsmen, engineers, and inventors [b]Shakseer[/b] - The psionic energy that all Ju'yavāl can tap into [b]Teladari[/b] - Second highest caste of Ju'yavāl society; comprised of the warriors and leaders [b]Ulinar[/b] - Homeworld of the Ju'yavāl, part of a binary planet system with Orous [b]Ulnar[/b] - The fabled space between realities in which the Shakseer exists in its most potent form [b]Urellian[/b] - A metal used to Ju'yavāl to amplify and channel their psionic power [b]Yvon'ic'zhul[/b] - The flagship of the Ju'yavāl fleet. [b]Zendalar[/b] - Lowest tier caste of Ju'yavāl society; the artists, menial workers, and civil service workers planetary passes [/hider]