If she hadn't been nervous before, she was definitely nervous now. The captain's speech was exciting and mysterious, but a bit terrifying. She had a mission to be on this ship, a duty to herself and her family but that didn't mean it had to be a bad experience. People quickly started to disperse, going off on other parts of the ships and even some heading to bed. Picking up her two half full glasses on the side table, she poured one into the other and looked at the odd concoction of wine, rum, and coke that was now sitting in one cup. She took a sip. It was terrible. Though, it was kind of rude to waste the drink she had made. She took another sip. Surprisingly, still terrible. She decided it best to dump it out after all. Rising from her seat she walked back behind the bar and let the mixture slowly be poured into the sink. [b]"Would anyone like to take a walk around the ship with me? I've only seen this room and the living quarters and I'm sure I'm not the only one"[/b]. the woman she came to now know named Elvira offered. Emma declined, saying she was heading to bed so Tiffany decidedly piped up. [i]"I wouldn't mind seeing a little bit of the ship before bed myself. I'll come along."[/i] she said. Placing the now two empty glasses on the side of the sink and giving a small smile to Elvira, offering her company on this small adventure.