Yism strolled through the town, warhammer in hand, using it as a walking stick. Some of the respectful citizens gave him a nod as he walked by, he would offer a nod in return. "[color=8dc73f]Nasty business, these Valeheart people[/color]," he mumbled to himself. He wasn't surprised when he was summoned. Yism knew he wasn't the youngest and the liveliest of the bunch, but there was no doubting his skill. He tightened his grip on his warhammer's handle. "[color=8dc73f]And what shall I name you for this battle?[/color]" For every lengthy war Yism had ever partaken in, he had always given his warhammer a new name. The whole ordeal had Yism giddy on the inside, he was always up for a good tussle. On the other hand though, he knew that they would probably lose people, good people. Many of the younger soldiers were looking to prove themselves in battle, much like he had in his younger days. "[color=f7941d]Sir![/color]" The palace guards jolted into attention. The royal palace towered in front of him, Yism stopped to admire it. It was what he liked to call, "[color=8dc73f]The Big Green Beauty[/color]". Yism tapped the bottom of his warhammer on the ground, and gestured with his hand for the two guards to lead the way. It wasn't long before they reached the room, and the guards fell back to their post. "[color=8dc73f]Gentlemen[/color]," Yism nodded respectfully at the two royals, as he entered the room. He took his seat across from Galahad, and nodded once more. He had always respected the man. The two had fought together on several occasions, Yism could even remember the day he was crippled; it was a bloody war. He looked over to Finnegan, the boy was practically a younger version of his father he often thought. Yism grunted and looked at his warhammer. "[color=8dc73f]I've decided. She's gonna be named Ash for this war[/color]", he declared, a smirk on his face.