[@Simple Unicycle] Mettaton, currently in her full form, held a small child's hand and led her around the area, muttering things about her performances and wondering where the monsters she recognized were at. The child was trying her best to keep up with the robot, taking short but quick steps to stay by her side, but a large ax was in her other hand, slowing her down by two or three steps. A few monsters noticed the child with the weapon, but were more distracted by Mettaton. They tried to ask quick questions or get a signature, but she nervously told them that she had to get the child to place where she could be taken care of. Some monsters told Mettaton that they should find Toriel, but Mettaton already tried looking for her. [color=0072bc]"Are we there yet?"[/color] the child asked in a quiet voice. [color=ec008c]"Kim, darling, please be patient. I'm still trying to get used to the area myself! Give me some time,"[/color] Mettaton tried to calmly reply. After a few more minutes of walking around Mettaton ended up in New Snowdin, a town not far from the main area covered with snow. She remembered that two skeleton brothers, Sans and Papyrus, hang out in this area so she decided to try finding them instead. It was going to be [i]way[/i] easier to find them, knowing they would most likely be eating breakfast in the new Grillby's at this time of day, but she still had to find the building.