Galvus Velinian, Reena thought to herself as they finished shaking hands. With a name like that, he could only have been a Zaetherian. Not many people knew about this reptilian race, but the Sorlas of Clan Dosvin were well acquainted with their legions. The Clan had many operations in the galaxy, so much that even Reena knew of only a scant few, but most of the ones she knew of were in close proximity to Zaetherian colonial worlds. Consequently, the Zaetherians were as much a threat to Clan Dosvin's operations as the Galactic Committee's law enforcement branch was, perhaps even more so, given how easily the Zaetherians could deploy their ruthlessly efficient legions to oppose Clan Dosvin's actions. Despite this antagonism, Reena had a great respect for the Zaetherians, and much of Clan Dosvin felt the same way. Sure they were the enemy, but the Zaetherian's courage, loyalty, and honor were unquestionable, and no good Sorlas could speak ill of those traits without speaking ill of themselves in turn. In a sense, Clan Dosvin saw the Zaetherians as a worthy rival, and while Reena didn't know if the Zaetherians felt the same was about Clan Dosvin, she got the impression that there would be a competition between her and Galvus at some point. Most of all, she hoped that her encounter with this Zaetherian ended better then the last one. While she appreciated the impact on her life that the last Zaetherian she met had on her, she didn't want her encounter with Galvus to end with a sniper's bullet slamming into her chest again. [color=a36209]"What is it you do for the Monroe? You don't see many Sorlas on exploration ships these days,"[/color] Galvus commented, stepping onto the ship and shooting a smirk at someone behind her. The sensors in her suit indicated the security guard scowling back at him. Must have been the same man who had flagged her for carrying drugs when she first arrived here, the [i]ssilast[/i]. [color=9e0b0f]"My official titles are xenobiologist and data analyst, but we tend to do a little bit of everything, fighting included,"[/color] Reena informed him as her looked over the vessel. [color=9e0b0f]"And no, travelling around the galaxy isn't exactly something the Sorlas are known to do, but I'm making it work."[/color] She internally debated whether or not to show him around the vessel herself, but she suspected that the Captain would want to meet him first before he got settled in. [color=9e0b0f]"If you don't mind me asking,"[/color] Reena continued. [color=9e0b0f]"How did you end up in the Marauders? I'll admit I didn't expect a Zaetherian to be joining us in exploring the cosmos either."[/color]