Someone had been playing the guitar. It was one of those strange little things that people remembered after the fact, but as Belgond had been waiting in the trench with the rest of the Tushienia Lizards, someone had been playing a guitar while they were waiting for the signal to climb out of the trenchs and charge the ork held city. Objectively the guitar player wasn't even any good, but against the backdrop of artillery and the war cries of Orks on the wind he was [i]exactly[/i] what the company needed to calm their nerves and get them ready to go over the trench. Soon enough the first whistle blew. The sign that they were about to go over the top and find out who the God Emperor was truly protecting today. Belgond gripped the ladder tightly enough that his knuckles turned white, breathing deeply to steady himself. The second whistle blew. The Tushienia Lizards charged over the trench and into the companies first battle. Belgond didn't truly know what was going on after he left the trench; They were charging towards the hole in the wall that had been called the 'Right' breach, but he couldn't actually see how he rest of the company was faring. He had been one of the first out of the trenches and the fact that he was just a standard grunt instead of one of the specialists meant that he didn't have any extra gear or duties to slow him down, leaving him as one of the lead front runners of the charge. While being the person in front of such a charge would normally result in dying horribly to snipers or gunfire, Belgond was quite confident that he would be fine in this case; The primer was quite clear that Orks used guns to appease their primative, heretical 'gods' for granting them a battle to die in by firing them randomly into the air. He was more likely to get hit by an imperial solder by mistake then by an Ork actually aiming at him. The artillery was still a concern; While Orks were stupid, most of them seemed to understand the concept of pointing the end of the weapon and fires explosive death in the general direction of the forces of rightousness that were attacking them and those things didn't need much more in the way of aiming to be deadly. As he neared the breach, Belgond caught up with the tail end of the regiment that had managed to beat the Lizards to be the first one into the fray; From the amount of bodies (both human and foul xeno), the fighting had been bloody so far, but the tide of the battle was still clearly in Imperial favour! Running past the wounded and those attempting to help them, he tried his best to ignore the smell of death and the insane gore that was before him in order to continue forward... Only to see the tide of Orks that had surrounded the regiment that had gone in first; The poor bastards had charged in to far and gotten themselves surrounded! Belgond trusted that bulk of the Lizards had gotten through and would be arriving shortly to save whatever was left of the lead regiment, but watching good, loyal humans be slaughtered like coigs at the butchers made his blood boil with rage! Before he could open fire on the green skinned monsters, something caught his eye. One of the solders of the forward regiment was not caught in the ambush; From the body nearby, it was clear that they had been delayed and thus had been outside of the net when it closed. ... And there was a small, vermin like ork thing sneaking up behind them with a pistol, trying to line up a shot. Without thought, Belgond charged forwards on legs that were aching, slamming into the solder about to be ambushed in order to knock her (and himself as a happy bonus) out of the way of the bullet as the little wretched creature fired and hit nothing but air and an old wall that was still standing. Belgond's counter shot was much more acurate, nailing the cowardly little xeno prick right between the eyes from his position on his back on the ground. Rolling onto his stomach to push himself to his feet, he offered the guardsman that he had just saved a hand up... And noticed for the first time that they were a rather attractive female. Still, this was a war zone and he needed to stay focused. "[color=f7941d]Are you alright?[/color]" [@agentmanatee]