[color=f9ad81][center][h1]Didi Sabello[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/x2kqkg.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] The Mighty Bean [b]Interacting with:[/b] Echo - [@Chaoticfox]; Jejomar - [@SgtEasy]; Eva- [@Aewin]; Kip via text- [@rogueLily] [/center] [hr] They got to work, and past halfway on her work, Didi can almost figure out the rest on her own thank's to Echo's help. Closing her laptop, Didi noticed somethings bothering Echo. [color=f9ad81]"You ok?"[/color] she asked her concerndely. Then Echo's widened eyes looked way pass her, turning around to see Jay who was as red as a newborn, and sweating like Niagra falls. Ah, yes, the moment has finally arrived when Jay finally grew a pair to ask Echo out ,and for Di, this was the perfect time to make things more awkward than it already is . With a smug face, Didi constructed a witty, mood breaking remark in her head,but looking at Echo who was extremely uncomfortable with the whole situation, decided not too. Didi's a prankster, but she aint an asshole. The shy girl might break, she thought, and for christsake she helped her do her damn homework without even a second thought. Didi sat quietly, tucking her lips to avoid the sweet temptation. [color=f9ad81]"I....think I should leave you two alone."[/color] When things got too personal, and Di feeling like a third wheel in this awkward geek drama, she stood up from her stool and took her laptop and half emptied cup. Casually passing by Jay, her smug look remained as she teased in encouragement. [color=f9ad81]"Knock her dead, cowboy."[/color] She was halfway through the door when a text came from Eva. Right, she was going to borrow a dress, still unsure if this was really a good plan, and so she went to the corner where the "Otaku" friends are hanging, [color=f9ad81]"Hey."[/color] she said to Eva as she leaned on the edge of the table. A text from Kip arrived, pausing to take a few seconds to decode the worst case of typo Didi has ever seen. [color=f9ad81][center][b]To: Detective Conan[/b] Yeh, I'll be going at Eva's first. You'll just have to see for yourself, Kiper. And next time, use pretty your fingers. [/center] [/color]