It was an excitable group. Crazy Korean ran in and it seemed like everybody was going to do the base job. Suited Eric though, as least the team he was going with had a doctor. Maybe not a doctor he would want operating on him though. Both of those sweet regular girls decided on the base mission to so at least Eric didn't have to worry about protecting them. Pann agreed, though reminded Eric that those girls were here for good reason. One of them got the spaceman to open up, though it seemed the alien was now pretty nerviest. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm Eric, pleasure to meet you Harvey. Welcome to earth. Staying long?"[/color] Eric asked, hoping to quell a bit of the unease in the room. Pann doubted it would do much more than make Eric look like as big a fool as the alien but Eric couldn't just leave Harvey out to dry.