The lot of them were gathered, and starting to sound off regarding their place in all this. She scribbled their names down and their missions while listening to their questons. She really had the ”Secretary from Hell” feel down to a T. Biting her pen with teeth that suggested a diet of meat and nothing but, she looked at each of them in turn once more. She had to stop herself before she started staring holes in the poor things. Clearing her throat she went back to professionalism and smiling indifference. “Remember. We are villains, not Capes.” She said with a grin. ”I like them to squirm, myself.” She had to clear her throat. Clearly she needed to grab a snack after this meeting. She made a sweeping gesture to the rest of them. ”All of you who have chosen to cash in on the Casino job, do not hold back. Send a message.” She said. As Harvey stepped forward, she pinched her nose ”Yes. I think we can all SMELL your current abode” The look on her face was one utter disdain. So much for indifference. She couldn’t eat him. He was all… gray and smelly. This upset her. This upset her a lot. In fact. None of them looked very tasty. All stringy or weird texture wise. She idly wondered if the Gorgon had a brother. She had a thing for scales and bloodthirsty animal hybrids. ”So. What do you wanna do. Runt?” She stared into the eyes of a redheaded, next. The surly looking, scrawny kid. Meteora, stared back with every bit of scrappy,” no good “attitude a wrestler stuck as a career heel could muster. It was brief battle that led to Meteoras face turning into a very concerned frown. ”Gambling joint. I wanna suplex someone trough a roulette table” She said and the stupid, oversized belt of hers seemed to gleam with bad karma. Blueberry made a note to buy her a ticket to the next Mercury City Wrestling show, to pacify the brat. Her eyes fell on Consciousness ”Please. Do use whatever you find to further your own scheemes. I am sure The Pulp have some research into the subject of mind control.” She waved her hand dismissively at them. ”The Lair is yours, wholesale. Between the seven of you, you should be fine.” She paused and looked at Eppie “Hell. Maw looks like might have been created by Pulp. The similarities are uncanny and not of this cosmos… And I am sure Best Korea over there will work to slowdown the creatures if everything fails.” ”Excuse me. But, would you know if this Lair, had a forge. I would need to make a blade of my own, rather then this... cheap thing I bought.” Fox Blade asked suddenly, and Lucinda fought back the urge to slap the stereotype out of him. Gods below he was trained to sound like the extra of a old J-Action flick. ”No. Pulp was a scientist, not Hanzo bloody Hatt-” She began when Fox interjected ”It's Hatorri Ha-” Lucinda cut him off with a glare that made Fox wish he had stayed a office drone. ”S-Sorry Miss.” Fox Blade grew paler under his mask. Blueberry shot him such a toxic look the poor Ninja felt like she was trying to will him to commit seppeku on the spot. He resisted the urge to do so. ”Transportation has been arranged.” She said as she adressed the meek looking Genius, snapping her fingers and making the screen behind her go up in smoke. ”When I finish this briefing. You will be teleported to the entrance of the lair. Mind you, it is a one way ticket. You going to have to liberate and repair the lairs teleporter.” As she said this, a cellphone could be heard ringing. She paused and held up a finger as to stop people from talking among themselves. Fishing out a sleek a black phone from her cleavage, the label reading ”dPhone”. She put it to her ear and listened for a few seconds. ”Oh. And Broker says that you better not disappoint him.” She said as she slipped it back in place. Her grin widened. Then she snapped her fingers and world turned into flames and brimstones for the lair group. Where they had been standing, there was a smoking pile of ashes. “Oh don’t look at me that way. They are perfectly fine… I think.” Blueberry dismissed the others with a wave of her hand. “Go fetch your car. The Casino isn’t far from here. Here is a GPS so you don’t get lost.” -- -------------------------------- ​ For the Gambling Group, the Casino was literally down the street. Down said street it opened into a small backstreet with a neon sign showing a pair of poorly drawn breasts and a cocktail bar sign. The two wellclad bouncers gave a indication that the joint was not the average titty bar of downtown Mercury. The two big men stared wide eyed at the group of wierdlooking indivuals who had just appeared out of nowhere. Meteora, being the impatient kind cackles and broke into a run. Heading straight for one bouncers. Before the man could reach for his gun she had closed the space between them and lifted him up in a full on lineback. They crashed trough the door. Past the door is the check in area. Where the woman taking peoples coats were covering against the wall in confusion. The corridor led to a second door that without a doubt led down a pair of stairs. Meteora didn't miss a step. Leaving the other bouncer to whoever felt like dealing with him, she rushed down to kick up the doors. Dust settled, the group would see a large locale with all sorts of means to lose your money. Roulette tables, slot machines, blackjack and all other manners of gambling. The place was not a small gambling joint, it was a damn casino. Everyone in the room looked up at the door. In the far end of the room door likely led to the VIP area. As people tried to come to terms with what they were seing, Meteora hollared. ”Smashing time biiiitcheeesss!” [b]Situation; Meteora decided to start you off with a bang. Thanks to that you have the chance to storm the place while people are figuring out exatly what the hell is going on. There are a few thugs for hired security. Each of you get to wreck two of these each in your next post if you chose to. Make it spectactular. Remember, breaking things and sending a message is the point of this mission.[/b] --------------------------------------------------​ The Lair Cleanup Crew find themselves standing infront of a vault door. Its convenietnly left open, moss growing up the fake rocks that worked as its camouflage. AS soon as you step out of the circle. A pair of red eyes light up inside the darkness of the abandoned base. ”Blreaughhhh" A bubbly voice echoes as more eyes flare up. A whole lot of them in fact. The seething mass of eyes seem to retreat in the darkness, almost as if to beckon you inside. The hallway inside is barely lit, with a few flickering lights giving spotty at best light. The entire place reeks of death and rot. The walls seem to be covered with strange mucus. The cleanup bill is going to be murder, quite literally. Further inside, the corridor seems to terminate into a bigger room. [b]Situation: [/b] Whatever awaits you inside has withdrawn itself further inside. You gonna have to search it out and purge it.