Oscar took off sprinting just as soon as he saw the girl in the belt start running, swearing loudly at her back. It became quickly apparent that he had no chance of keeping up with her, however - she was faster than any person had any damn right to be. By the time he caught up, she'd already smashed her way through the door and one of the bouncers, revealing a rather posh room full of hired security. A card from Eric flew into the second bouncer, so Oscar opted to continue his charge inside. "Oi, douchebag!" he screamed as he shoulder-tackled the first thug he saw, knocking him to the ground. He aimed a few wild kicks at the man's head, then bent down to grab him by the shirt. Grunting, the Enhanced lifted the man over his head and threw him through the room, sending him crashing into a table and splitting down the middle. Panting, Oscar stepped through the door, fumbling in his pants for his gun. He'd just managed to produce the weapon when a dull, stinging impact took him hard in the shoulder, causing him to toss the gun out of his reach. Getting shot [i]sucked.[/i] A few more thugs were running at him, including, rather miraculously, the man he'd already thrown - Oscar had thought he'd be down for the count, but he looked to be soldiering on. What a hero. The enhanced shifted his injured arm for a moment and charged forward, yelling. He clotheslined one thug directly in the forehead, sending him spilling to the ground. The bouncer from before had produced a knife, and swung it widely a few times. Oscar blocked it with his arm, each parry sending another line of dull, stinging pain down his arm as he was cut. "Will you - urg - will you STOP THAT?" Oscar grabbed the back of his neck and threw himself into a bone-cracking headbutt, silently thanking the bastard doctor for giving him a super-strong skull. Dazed and in terrible pain, the hired muscle took a few steps back, shaking his head to clear it. Immediately, the enhanced grabbed a chair and broke it across the man's back, sending him spilling to the ground and leaving Oscar holding two long sticks of wood that he immediately began flailing at his fallen opponent. "Like that, huh, you son of a bitch? That what you wanted? Pull a knife on me, you goddamn..." He may have continued beating his unconscious victim indefinitely, had the thug he'd clotheslined earlier not struggled to his feet and attempted to save his friend, grabbing a bottle and smashing it over Oscar's head. Grimacing, the enhanced wheeled around, a few shards of glass still stuck in his scalp. "Son of a BITCH!" He punched the man full force in the chest, sending him flying back a few feet. The enhanced was on him just as he struggled to his feet, blocking a few paniced punches and replying with three of his own that made the thug crumple once again. Oscar bent to lift the man, sending him flying across the room and destroying a very nice-looking couch.