[@TalijaKey] Abel's skin twitches underneath his shirt as Manu pats him. He noticed the eye color change and his feline side was more then tempted to try to start a chase. He squishes the idea in his mind as quickly as possible. He gives a small head tilt when he is asked what kind of wolf he is and breaks out in a relatively large smile. "Wolf no...Snow Leopard yes" That should give a rather interesting reaction. The word pack echo in his mind as he inhales scents around him...carefully, so as not to let his soul mate know what he is doing. The area smells heavily of scents, but he manages to pick out that his soulmate was with someone. That...hurt a bit, but he hides it hopefully before his soulmate catches it. "As for if i was expecting a girl...I don't know, I didn't know what to expect." Fairly honest answer. Especially now that he knows Manu has a friend with him. He resists the urge to rub on Manu, and also resists the urge to barge in there and attack this other were. That last part was especially bad since he knows that there is a wolf pack who meets here. He could handle a few, but that many would end badly for him.