[color=D6CC88]Amuné was pleased to hear that Ethan recognized what she'd Seen. "I'd like to visit your village sometime," she said absently, her voice dropping to a mumble. The girl spent the rest of the ride half-drowsing, worn out by her foray into magic. She roused when the man behind her pulled out their map. She was a little stiff and it would be good to stretch her legs again. It sounded like Nymira wanted to go see the town's mayor, but Amuné didn't think she'd be much use for that meeting. Cecil seemed worried that he'd scare people, but Amuné didn't understand why. He didn't look scary at all. "Why would they be scared?" she asked. "If they are then they're silly. You're nice." The child had completely forgotten the shock she'd had when she'd found out Cecil was a Machina, and not just a boy. Ethan helped Amuné off the horse when they got to the stables, and she called to Wyth. The moorcat had returned from his hunting trip a while back, and he stretched lazily before jumping down from the cart to pad over to his girl. "I hope this inn is like the last one, and lets you stay," she told him, scratching behind his ears. She waved to Nymira and Cecil as they set off. "See you later!" she called, before looking around at the buildings nearby. "Maybe one of the stable hands knows where an inn is?" she suggested, looking up at Ethan. "It wouldn't hurt to ask, right?"[/color]