[center][h2]Almata, [i]Retribution[/i], Flagship of the Coldfyre Imperial Fleet[/h2][/center] The view screen cast light across the darkened command bridge, illuminating the quiet, scurrying individuals, the scant number of them that occupied the area. On the central dais clustered a group of four individuals, speaking tersely, voices carrying but a short distance. Empress Kalzerian silenced the other three with a snap of the hand, a practiced signal used by those of station to demand immediate attention. Gold scroll-work and crystals covered much of the combat suit which she wore, a display of her power, more so the plain yet rare power field attached to the small of her back, a generator which created a protective barrier of energy around the user. "I will hear no more talk of vacating Almata immediately, Admiral Golman, is that understood?" she parsed, the referred-to individual bowing his head demuringly. An aging man clad in an ancient yet fine suit of true white silk rather than synthetic fibers, he was the overall commander of the Coldfyre Imperium's naval forces. "Almata was not a planet that could be broken by our might alone, and the consequences of enlisting aid that will undoubtedly turn against us may have been short-sighted, but we could not allow Fashti's control to remain unbroken. We remain until you have found Fashti, dead or alive." Kalzerian glanced towards the projection of Almata, eyes glimmering as the light flickered, displaying a beam coalesce and strike down from the hulls of one of her ships, grazing its wrath across some ground-based target. Mouth pursed at the action, a finger tapping at her armored leg. "I thought the order to cease bombardment had transmitted to the fleet, Admiral. Did you disobey my orders?" Panic streaked across Golman's face before years of military discipline suppressed his facial display. "Of course not, m-my Empress," he stuttered. "I relayed the command across the battle network personally as soon as you gave the order. Perhaps they retaliate against some surface-to-orbit installation. Eliminating hostile targets is-" A crack shattered across the bridge, drawing the attention of all there before heads quickly turned away intent on ignoring the developing scene on the dais. Golman knelt on the ground, an armored hand tracing the shear across the plating of his helmet. Kalzerian's hand, in comparison, retained but a scratch as an indication of the action. "Do not lecture me on military matters. Or have you forgotten that I commanded the Expeditionary Assault Divisions for a time? We stay. Establish a cordon around the capital continent both in space and on the ground. We remain until Fashti is found. You are dismissed." Three shadows peeled away to do her bidding, one with a hand still raised to it's face. [center][h3][i]Forward Unto Stars[/i], Conveyor-Class Troop Transport[/h3][/center] As the members of the Cult of Long Night milled around within the empty barracks in which they had temporarily been sheltered, four naval soldiers followed a master chief petty officer, his armor as featureless as the rest with rank being displayed only through the HUD interfaces of the soldiers, although emergency insignia rested in a pocket. Nodding to the two soldiers standing at attention outside the door, the non-commissioned officer opened the door, sidling inside. His voice, amplified by the armor systems, called out, "Attention, civilians. You will be brought to Processing, where your identities and possessions will be recorded before you are moved to one of the auxiliary barracks in the ship. Please follow me." As the men, women, and possibly children exited, three soldiers would accompany the leader at the front while three escorted the back to make sure none slipped away. [center][h2]The Alasaiian System, In Orbit near Dehaka[/h2][/center] "Council, the task force has arrived in the Alasaiian System. Loyalists within the ranks of the occupation force have already begun to strip away control of the local fleets and armories from Fashti sympathizers with as little bloodshed as possible, although perfect execution of an operation as large as this is impossible, so reports of resistance are coming in. We expect total control of the area within two days at most, hopefully less." "Acknowledged, First Admiral Lerus. Secure the three Imperial-occupied worlds and do not act aggressively towards the Alarethian at the moment, we desire to preserve peace, not break it." Ending with that simple statement, the Council of War on Cronum ceased its communication with First Admiral Lerus, a member of Kalzerian's personal household who had once commanded a large segment of the Expeditionary Assault Divisions against the Horde. Utilizing his influence within the military complex of the Arcturan Imperium, he had swayed many of those in the Alasaiian Holding Force to Kalzerian's cause, ensuring easier transition to Coldfyre control. Fifty-eight ships of many differing classes drifted through space near Dehaka, almost half of them troop transports, although they were by no means unarmed. Most of them re-purposed from the now-defunct EAD, the transports were designed to land on worlds against heavy opposition, ensuring that their armor and shielding were some of the best in the fleets, as well as a devastating array of short-range and orbit-to-surface weaponry. Accompanying them were several carriers and battleships, although a majority of the remaining half were long-range cruisers. Splitting into three squadrons of about equal power and size, the fleet moved to each of the Imperial control worlds, broadcasting a message requesting honorable surrender from Fashti-aligned forces to all Imperial ships in the system. Were any Imperial ships to attack, those of Coldfyre would retaliate with brutal efficiency, ravaging the vessel before continuing to the target position. In several hours, many millions of men would be deploying to each world, one of the largest deployments in the current war to an individual system.