"Not at all", he smiled. The cold air had done wonders to clearing his head. He was at this precious point where he was fully aware that he was drunk but didn't feel any of the effects, as long as he didn't try to hard to walk in a perfectly straight line, where his thoughts were relatively coherent but there would still be hell to pay when he woke up. This quiet trek with Nadine was anything but uncomfortable. He could have thought of dozens of things to talk about now but he was content with listening to the occasional girlish giggle, or at least that's what he believed they were but when he turned to look at her, she just grinned and looked right back, as if she was waiting for him to repeat something funny he was doing unconsciously. Things had not all been great in the past year and usually when all went silent, his mind wandered from one issue to the next, reminding him of everything that was falling apart, but none of these thoughts had any power over him tonight. The only thing that even remotely bothered him was walking all the way to the other side of campus, which might as well have been the opposite end of town at this hour. They walked through the deserted streets, only the occasional car, crunching footstep or drunk yell in the distance disturbing the perfect silence of the night. It was a fairly long walk and by the time they reached the entrance to her place, Gabriel's fingers and toes were numb. "Looks inviting", he commented, looking at a decently made graffiti on the wall right next to them. This definitely wasn't your retirement home in disguise but more of a progressive neighborhood, with quite a few college students inhabiting the apartments around. She fit right now. Both of them did, for that matter, since he didn't live too far away. "So, tonight was..." Gabriel had been raking his brain for how to conclude this interesting evening but when he met her eyes again, he immediately knew what was going to happen. Not once in the time they knew each other had she looked at him like that, not just affectionate but... 'glowing'. Of course, he could have just been seeing what he wanted to see, his judgement clouded by pot and booze, but if that was so, he was also a little too far gone to care. Everything about the last hours had been magical, literally, so maybe that old bastard God was making it all up to him. [i]Thy will be done.[/i] He stepped forward, closing the gap between them. She didn't flinch, didn't back away, didn't break eye contact. "Nevermind", he murmured and leaned in for a hungry, passionate kiss.