Third Invincible Sister sneered in contempt as the creatures retreated further into the shadows. "A society of misshapen creatures that have shut themselves off from the world in fear and hatred? How disgusting!" She tilted back her cowboy hat for a better view before marching into the corridor, fists clenched at her side. "I am Gang Min-Seo of Pyongyang!" she yelled as she strode down the corridor, Air Jordans squelching in puddles of slime. "The third of the Five Invincible Sisters! But who I am is not important, for I strike not for myself but for the glory of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea! I am a warrior for the Glorious Leader! I am the hooves of Chollima!" She reached the room at the end of the hallway and assumed a taekwondo stance, eyes moving in search of the creatures in the dim room. "Fight me and die!" she bellowed.