[h2][center]Lorand[/center][/h2] [hr] Lorand had simply been sitting there in the Wagon Wheel for quite some time now. He had been contemplating this whole event, and how and why it had transpired when he heard someone ask him "Lorand, right?", which was all he heard. He had a certain talent for phasing out any unnecessary noise, but he couldn't really ignore the mention of his name. Without saying anything at first, he turned toward the source of the voice. It was another player character, a girl with pink hair who was wearing Japanese clothing of some sort. Upon closer examination, he noticed the person in question was very high level themselves. Finally, someone possibly competent. After a delay, he responded to the girl "Yes, that is my name. Why do you ask?" But just as the girl was about to answer, he heard a bit of a commotion outside, loud enough to get past his selective hearing. all he could really hear was some very angry sounding girl screaming like a banshee. Whatever was happening out there, it most certainly was not peaceful, and it would probably be a good idea to intervene, even if it is troublesome. As such, he looked at the girl from earlier and said " Why don't we save the introductions for later? We should probably calm down that situation outside first. Wait here one second." Without even waiting for a response, Lorand got up from his seat and started going outside. What he saw when he went outside was about what he expected. Another player character was grabbing the collar of a NPC and yelling right into his face. This one was [b]another[/b] girl, this time in a much more westernized outfit. To Lorand, she looked like a pirate. Either way, this person was considerably lower level than him, and he didn't feel like trying to reason with them, so he took a much more direct approach. He simply walked up, broke the two apart, picked up the small girl, dragged her into the bar and sat her down at a table. The girl in question was resisting Lorand's actions quite admirably, but he was strong enough that it didn't really matter. Before going back over to the high-level girl from earlier, he asked the Bartender "Give this little girl something that'll knock her right out for me, will ya? I'll pay for it." He then managed to get back over to the pink-haired girl, and simply asked "So you know me, but who are you exactly?".