[color=00aeef]"I would really like to know what a Korea is."[/color], Harvey had his weapon ready, still a little bit confused by the teleport. [color=00aeef]"But first we are going to have to kill whatever creatures these are. We need to hunt them, chase them into a corner. Oh the excitement!"[/color] Harvey aimed into the darkness. He just hoped that his weapon would be effective against the enemy's. If not this could have a very bad ending for him. But perhaps they would eat the Korea-Lady first. Hopefully. His Hazard Suit might offer him some protection but he would feel a lot better if he had any Idea what their enemy was. [color=00aeef]"You know back on Xetodia we have a saying for a Situation like this. It goes: Zwof'j xexe kro'Z' takax zoz-Eo N'Z."[/color], he fired a low energy warning shot into the darkness, the lightning illuminated the darkness for a second. It seemed empty. [color=00aeef]"Actually now that I think about it that saying does neither translate well nor fit here at all. Sorry I mentioned it."[/color]