[h2][center]Melia[/center][/h2] Before Melia could follow up her question from earlier, Lorand stood up and, seemingly without reason, picked up a rowdy guest to the bar and... Plopped her down right next to her before ordering her a drink. Wouldn't alcohol be one of the worst things to give someone that angry, though? And the way she was treated by him... The Japanese shouting she heard was coming from this girl; there was no question about that. But given that the girl seemed quite irritable, Melia assumed it might be best to try and calm her, at least before she continued to discuss anything with the armor-clad player to her left. "[i][u]Hey. Threatening people isn't going to help, especially when almost nobody else can understand Japanese,[/u][/i]" Melia stated calmly in Japanese, looking at the girl before calling off the bartender pouring a drink. Given the way she was acting, alcohol of any sort would likely cause them more harm than good... Especially if it was likely going to be her that had to disarm the angry girl. "[i][u]You should have access to the friends list if you mess around with the stuff at the bottom right corner of your field of vision. Try contacting her through that instead of trying to raise hell. Please.[/u][/i]" With that said, Melia sighed and turned back to Lorand, hoping that a rage-filled swing wasn't coming at the back of her head. Given that she had now clue how pain would register, it was probably best to hope for at least that much. "Ah... Well, my criticism of your methods can wait. You can call me Melia. You've probably seem me around on a few raids before; more often than not, I'm playing melee DPS against the bosses, so I tend to see you as much as you would me... I'd hope. By the way, I never got to thank you for saving me on that Verax run; mission would've been lost if you didn't tank that spider web for me. Also netted me the silk needed for a durability upgrade on this ribbon, so thanks for that, too." Melia stated, a smile on her face before her drink arrived. With a quick sip of that, though, the light-haired girl's smile turned a bit bitter as she remembered the situation at hand. "Well, I wish I could've done so under different circumstances, though. It's a lot more significant when you realize that we're all here in our current states, after all... And it sounds so much more petty when you realize that, as far as we know, their lives are our lives now. You saw the mess back in the city, right? Or heard it, at least? Everyone's in a panic, but nobody's got a clue as to what to do." Sighing she shook her head and took another sip from her cup. The cold crispness of the water felt... Fresh, much cleaner than what tap she would drink otherwise. So it wasn't simply an illusion after all... "On that note, though, loitering around and freaking out's one of the worst routes of action to take. I want to go head out and gather information, and since the friend list network exists, that information can be spread rapidly from person to person. Someone else can compile it, but first, what we don't know should be explored. Rolu Mountain's first on my list, but I'm not quite sure what's been added. You got something to deal with first? Or would it be fine to go explore the area with me, first?"