[b]Ryouko Yanagita[/b] [u]Alias[/u]: “Ryouko” [u]Race[/u]: Mokushian [u]Affiliation[/u]: Xenom [u]Tier class[/u]: High-Tier [u]Age[/u]:17 [u]Height[/u]: 6’5 [u]Weight[/u]: 130 lbs. [u]Hair Color[/u]: Crimson Red. [u]Hair Style[/u]: Messy, neck length. [u]Eye Color[/u]: Blue, with swirling red. [u]Physique[/u]: Lean, muscled but not overly so. He works off any weight added onto him. [u]Appearance[/u]: He wears an Ancient Greek tunic, black in color, that has a pattern of red sand swirling atop his shoulders, marking his affiliation to Xenom. Underneath the tunic, seeming pressed against his skin, was the Hakama, a piece of traditional martial arts clothing. The Obi around the top of the Hakama held the clothing up, being the sash belt that was somewhat required to be atop the Hakama. One would notice the chainmail Metashi stone, red in coloring, to give him a good defense, and yet, put less weight on his body, spreading out from the sleeves of the tunic. This alone could in fact protect him from a great many type of swords, unless the opponent had the right amount of strength and a durable enough weapon. Under the center of the tunic, however, was a black plate of Metashi stone, held up by the red chains that linked to the plate rather seamlessly. Leather straps lead the path down his right, lean arm, and to his gloved hands. The straps were also linked by Red Metashi, the back of his hands covered by black Metashi plating, with irregular spikes located on the backs of the plates. Due to his Seal and God-Slayer, his left arm was made of Red Metashi entirely, with a case of Black Metashi pressed against it, still making up his arm rather naturally, and not halting his movement in the slightest. Two blades, black Metashi, with Red Metashi edges, were embedded in this arm, below the wrist and above the elbow. The sheer capability of this arm, the killing methods, are monstrous. His legs, up until his feet, were unarmored, and his feet were covered by Red Metashi, with three clawed toes in front, yet big enough for his toes to sit comfortably in. The back of the boots had two spikes, seeming to curve up at an angle and then level out Horizontally. [u]Weapons[/u]: Sands, a weapon much like the blade of Tetsue. The blade itself is seven feet in length, yet made of black Metashi stone, with a slightly darkened red edge, perfect for cutting into armors and weapons and flesh alike. There were bulbous latches on each sixth inch of the blade, with no clear way to unlock them. Though, Ryouko did have a method of doing so. Wire sits on the blade’s interior, being made of the same red Metashi. The special ability of this blade is to call upon the Xenom desert, to summon the sands from his home and use them as he pleased, when it came to commanding and communicating with the desert. The inside of the bottom of the hilt is hollow, though being made of Metashi, was even harder for it to be broken. The very bottom was even able to be pushed into the hilt, in a strange way. [b]Lunar Shadow Sequence[/b]: This blade, in fact, is a series of Six blades, attaching onto the sides of Sands to boost Ryouko’s abilities. The blades themselves each house the soul of a Mokushian from the realm of Hell, which is the key reason why Ryouko’s core abilities are boosted to extraordinary levels. Any blood that meets these blades are consumed to supercharge the souls locked within, boosting the individual blade’s capabilities. The blades are as follows: Umbra and Penumbra, the two outermost connecting blades. These two blades are made of a dark red Metashi, mined from the depths of Hell themselves. While being so condensed as to nearly become black Metashi, these blades were made at a key time, keeping their Molecular cutting level and still being more condensed and sturdier than their Lighter Red counterparts. They are jagged, though sharp, the edges slightly serrated and seem Keen to cut into their enemies, to shed blood and feed themselves. Raze and Carnage, the middle set of the six blades that connect to Sands. These blades are curved, made of Black Metashi, except for the top two inches of the blades themselves, which are Red Metashi. They house two of the darkest Mokushian souls, that once slayed enemies and friends alike. When these blades are drawn and attached, one can hear the souls of the blades screaming for blood. Ashes and Reaper, The two innermost blades that connect to Sands. These blades are shells, in a way, hollowed inside and curved to cover Sand’s blade like a sheath. These blades are shaped like a scoop, with the edges on the inside being Red Metashi. The outsides are sharpened to a point, like many Razors being compressed into a legion of tiny black Metashi blades. The inside of the ‘scoops’ are smooth, however, and connect to Sands by utilizing the latches positioned on the blade’s flat. Now, as to the method of their connection. These blades connect with a series of latches, that originate from Sands. The same latches that conceal the Metashi Wires, spread out each time a blade is added, with Ryouko’s natural ability to Manipulate Metashi stone. The souls themselves each had the ability while living, giving Ryouko the added benefit of not having to manually lengthen the latches, as they seem to do so naturally. [u]Abilities[/u]: [b]Cyrekennegan[/b]: A Doujutsu that he had himself, from birth. It is dark black in coloring, the pupil being a bright white with lines racing throughout the eye itself. The power of this doujutsu is that the user gains a substantial boost to his control over the Xenom Sands, speed, and strength. The ability can be used in a way as to shroud the user in his own energy, known as the Cyrekennegan Energy form. Techniques involving this Energy Form are the ability to simply multiply the amount of Sand at Will, and create a sandstorm strong enough to rip buildings from their foundations. [b]Yuuseigan[/b]: This doujutsu was passed down to him through the bloodline of his father, Tetsue, and has the ability to release a bubble around the user. While inside this bubble, easily expandable by focus to cover large areas, momentum (kinetic energy) is absorbed ... and transferred into the user. But the kinetic energy between the user and the object/person is balanced evenly, until they are equal. Meaning that combat in this bubble is purely skill, with true equality spreading amongst the fighters. [b]Wrath of Oblivion[/b]: A technique Ryouko utilizes when the Lunar Shadow Sequence is fully added onto Sands. When every blade is connected, Ryouko’s darkest thoughts fuel the blade, wreathing it in an aura of darkness that can vary in mass based on Ryouko’s wishes. When it is, say, fully charged, Ryouko goes into close range to utilize this technique fully. In this move, each blade is ejected from Sands at a supersonic speed, sent to Ryouko’s sides with minds of their own, attacking the enemy from several sides and angles. If he desires, He can discharge electricity into these blades, the connection of dark desires and thoughts enough to increase their mass and giving them the same strength as a million watt Taser (Though, Only one blade use that electricity, so as to not completely overpower the technique). He can only keep this up for so long, before it wears off, and the blades reconnect to Sands. [b]Kinetic Energy Manipulation[/b]: As per the natural power of the Mokushian Race, Ryouko has the ability to control Kinetic Energy and prepare it for various uses by movement of his body. With this ability, he could simply delete or increase the movement in any part of his body. It serves as an increase to his strength and speed, by storing vast quantities of this energy and then expelling it with physical attacks. [b]Behemoth Fusion form[/b]: As the seal on his God-Eater is removed, the black Metashi casing races up and encases his chest and shoulders in moldable black Metashi, while the Red Metashi that in actuality, is his arm, is revealed, and the soul of the Behemoth within Ryouko is exposed. In this form Ryouko wreaks untold havoc, as the Behemoth gives him unimaginable strength and speed. His natural regenerative capabilities are increased trifold, as wounds that open take a short time to seal themselves again. He has an immense strength already, to be able to lift Metashi, usually weighing up to several tonnes, with ease, almost as simply as picking up a stick. This however, is due to him being of the Mokushian Race. Hellfire becomes his to control, and his alone to manipulate as he sees fit. [u]History[/u]: Ryouko, when he was born, was the same as any infant child of the Mokushian Race. Same hair, same height...But later on in his life, he found out that what he possessed wasn’t normal at all. Ryouko had never known his father, and for good reason. His father was none other than Tetsue Yanagita, explaining how Ryouko has the same Yuuseigan as Tetsue, and yet, possesses a doujutsu all his own. The young boy was gone for a day, during the slaughter of the Mokushian Race by Tetsue’s own hand, coming back to find his home in ruins, along with the dead bodies of his mother, stepfather, and, sadly, his half sister as well. Yet, Ryouko only knew one thing from seeing this slaughter, these ruins that once upon a time, were his home. He needed to get stronger. Stronger than his adopted ‘father’ had ever been, to find out the truth about his biological father, who possessed one of the same Doujutsu as he did. Trekking for years upon years through the world, time seemed to become a scattered and forgotten thing to him. As if in his mind, time was merely something that flowed through everything, and influenced everything. Not just numbers on a clock, though what his young mind wished to think, but something much more. The child was only seven when his trek began. At age 11, he knew how to kill. The constantly attacking predators had left the boy with nowhere to run and hide, making him fight with his bare hands, clear head, and cunning mind. He scavenged for what he could find in those days, rarely coming across Metashi objects that would only serve their purpose and be left in his next kill. His young body had developed into that of a predator itself, his speed being higher than most of his people, and at such a young age. The Mokushian child went nights without sleep, making weapons out of what he had killed. It was strange for him to hear of the bridge between the lands, where people lived comfortably. He heard of the Black Jail and how it was ran, and so he strayed from any course involving coming near to it. Ryouko never truly understood why it was a crime for Hybrids to exist, as he reasoned with himself that the children weren’t at fault for being born. And he would continue his trek for nearly four more years, his mind having matured immensely in the times that he spent in solitude, alone, with only the wind’s whistle to comfort him. When he was near 15, the Mokushian finally found the temple. But his path was strayed by a sandstorm, and Ryouko found himself lost, blown off course from the destination that he had been seeking for nearly half of his life. Ryouko had his first taste of anger when he discovered he had been swept away. His own unique Doujutsu had shown itself to him, and nearly destroyed him with the raw power that it revealed. The bastard found out that what anger could do was very shocking, considering he had only viewed it as an emotion before that day. He honed his anger after that day, using it as one would use a tool, merely to complete what he had and sought out to do. Though the teenager didn’t know for sure, he was actually training his Doujutsu…the Cyrekennegan. Ryouko had continued his journey for another six months, finally reaching the foot of the temple. As fatigue overtook his body, thoughts flashed through the boy’s mind. ‘Is this how I die?’ He asked himself, his eyes staring up at the sky and then slowly closing. The teenager lay there, still, and the sand seemed to act on its own accord while it swept over him and closed the grand temple doors. He trained tirelessly under his father, developing his many techniques and fighting styles in his own way. He was blessed to receive the weapons that he did, and he stood watch under his father for a short time, focused solely on supporting his father in war when the time came. [u]The Arm of the Mokushian Demon[/u]: At the age of fifteen, as the requirement for all of the Yanagita family, Ryouko was told of the Mokushian Gods and the Yanagita God-Eater seal. Tetsue, his father, had told him of his own blade, and how it was only in fact, a sheath. A sheath for the three gods that lay within, having been slain by Tetsue. Ryouko responded by asking when he would leave for this task. But what he later understood, was that his father meant by Requirement. It was for him to finally join the Yanagita family as a man and not as a boy. And so the youth left immediately, without heed or warning, to search for his God to slay. But questions struck at his mind. Did it have to be a God? Could it be something else? Something…Darker? He pondered this in silence as he neared the inner city of the Mokushi, his armor and sole main weapon resting upon his back, as well as an assortment of curved daggers. He began the descent into the forge through the Metashi lift, a rather useful After a long while, due to the descent, Ryouko finally reached the forge…and was astounded by what he saw. The grand forge made his mind race with possibilities, until he glanced into the core of the planet, unharmed by the brightness and by the sheer pressure of the planet that would’ve crushed any normal humans. He then saw it…Hell. Or, the Mokushian Hell. Demons. That is what stared up at him, as the male saw the souls of the Mokushian dead that were being thrown around as easily as twigs. And now Ryouko knew the true meaning of hell and how weak his race could be made to seem. [i]It filled him with rage.[/i] Cold, blistering rage, that warped the air around him, distorting it. It was with this rage that he dove headfirst into Hell, unsheathing two Metashi daggers. He would take no chances with his blade, Sands, being broken. The daggers mattered less. The bastard child saw the largest demon, racing towards it as the mere movement caused kinetic energy to charge in his joints, his brandishing of the daggers sending discharges of the Kinetic Energy racing up his arms. The flaming form of the Behemoth made even Ryouko have a hard time distinguishing his form. He saw veils of fire, shrouding the innards of the beast, and a skin that seemed like hardened lava, with Red and seemingly bottomless eyes. Spikes protruded from his body irregularly, as flames poured from his mouth, a crown of spikes hammered into his head as flames flew from his back and made an inferno of wings. However, the inferno vanished as suddenly, the beast shifted and moved. Even with his boosted speed, however…Ryouko didn’t see the hand of the Behemoth or the Behemoth himself flying at him, sending him flying through Hell and crashing into the ground with the force of a bomb. The battle had begun. Ryouko had barely any time to stand as the beast barreled towards him, his eyes narrowed, as he spat out the blood and leapt up, kicking off of the beast’s shoulder and spinning in midair to throw the two Metashi daggers at the beast’s head, his only advantage being his size in this case. He drew two more of his daggers as the beast roared in fury at the blades sinking into the back of his head, the pain that flowed through him unfamiliar, as he spun and roared at Ryouko as he descended towards the ground. It charged forwards again, throwing molten lava at the lad. Ryouko gritted his teeth as he ran to the side, towards a rather large wall that spanned as far as he could see, upwards. He could feel the heat that was on his back, signaling the large beast was gaining speed and nearing his back, and he could feel the curses that the Behemoth shouted in the Demon Language that were directed towards him. And yet, the bastard felt genuine admiration for the creature. Feelings he had never felt for an enemy, but as it lived and breathed, it would die by his hand. He had no time to save on respect for the Demon. As he kicked off of the wall, racing up it, the demon smashed into the wall. Yet it held firm, leaving Ryouko quite shocked, as the wall didn’t even seem to be affected by this. As the beast looked up at him, and he kicked off of the wall and back down, towards it, he couldn’t register the beast’s hands, slamming upwards to close upon his form, holding him in a cradle of heat. As the hands opened, some time later, the beast spoke to him. “Rotten luck have you, child of the Mokushi.” The beast’s voice was ancient, deep, with the sound of jagged stone against stone, making Ryouko grit his teeth in irritation, though keep silent, as the Behemoth spoke again. “I am the Behemoth! Eater of thousands of the Mokushian souls! I am the first child of the Ruler of Hell!” The creature bellowed, roaring at the male, and filling Ryouko with rage and irritation. “Your voice annoys me, Behemoth.” Ryouko said this with a cold and determined stare, as the beast stared at him in shock. Rows of teeth were shown as the beast raised Ryouko above his head, ready to drop him into the abyss of sharp teeth. A fatal mistake, had any saw the arms of Ryouko move to the back of his tunic and draw two daggers with one hand, remaining unseen to the gargantuan foe. As he was dropped towards the demonic white eyes on the face of the Demon, and what seemed his doom, he curled into a ball in midair, rolling forwards, as he extended both arms and slammed into the eyes of the Behemoth. The youth discharged all of his momentum in this to increase his impact weight and speed, and the Behemoth was knocked into the ground, forming a crater where the Beast’s head lay. Ryouko, not giving in time to recover for the creature, noticed his left arm laid across the eyes of the beast. And so he took his chance and stabbed his own arm, under his wrist, the Metashi splintering into shards as it entered, sending pain shooting through his arm, but stabbing into the eye of the demon. To add insult to injury, he brushed off the pain as he stabbed it once more, in the other eye, through his upper arm. He inhaled sharply at the pain and at the blistering heat that flowed into his body from the wounds. The behemoth roared in finality as Ryouko pulled his arm back, slamming it down again to kill the beast. It finally laid still. Hell itself seemed to go silent as a breeze flowed over the body of the Demon, and it began to dissolve, bit by bit heading towards Sands. However, this was not the idea his body had. Instead, the soul was snagged on the daggers, finding a new point to travel into. The Metashi Daggers inside his arms began to spread, slowly, replacing atom by atom of his entire arm at a blinding rate as the Mokushian screeched, in pain, as the Red Metashi of the daggers replaced the innards and skin of his arm entirely. The black Metashi itself incased the arm, sealing it, as Ryouko stared at the forge’s hole overhead, his world fading into darkness. This was his first day with his new arm. While he was unconscious, he had visited the Behemoth in his mind. They had made their peace, with force from Ryouko, and had quickly grown to understand each other. When Tetsue’s son awoke, he had thought of a new name for himself. The Mokushian with the God-Slayer arm. The lift was raised from the forge a while later. To Ryouko, it had felt as mere weeks. But during this time, he discovered that at least six months had passed. Obviously, the Mokushian had spent a great deal of time in Hell, training his capabilities, his mind focused solely finding out what he could about the Behemoth’s abilities. The demonic Mokushian had found out what exactly it was capable of, and the thought of the ways Ryouko could use this brought the smile of a sadistic killer to his face. During this time, these ‘weeks’, Ryouko had studied the demon’s lore, finding that these Demons had never been holy in any way, but had existed ever since the planet was born. Meaning that their father, the Ruler of Hell, was a primal entity, the heart of the Core itself. He planned to kill the Ruler someday, but then the youth discovered something that frightened and excited him. Only the Behemoth had seen his father in person, and had told the other seven major demons that the Ruler was not one to ever be trifled with. Ryouko, after his time there, had become accustomed to the heat and fire that accumulated there. He began to like this world of fire much more than his own. The world of demons had obviously gotten to him. But when Ryouko returned to the Mokushi Empire, to report back to his father, he heard the news. His father’s death, the rise of Seed. The news of his father had struck him like a blow, and for once, the bastard knew that even the slayers of Gods could fall from their pedestals. He went back to the temple silently, knowing what would most likely be his fate if his father had died. The boy would simply die. Then he discovered something from Alpha, one of the Variations. Seed’s variations, and Seed himself, couldn’t unlock Tetsue’s God-Slayer. Ryouko proved that he could, but sheathed it quickly again, as if the bastard was showing he could be of use. It wasn’t disturbing to know they were technically related, considering Tetsue has given his own DNA to be used in SEED. This didn’t stop him from avoiding most of the variations, keeping to himself. If Alpha had missions for him, he accepted and went. If Beta wanted him to do something, he did it. Other than that, the teenager simply avoided the other variations. Ryouko, during this time, was introduced to many of the other Kingdoms, completing many tasks that were thrust upon him by Alpha. He didn’t understand the being’s displacement with him. Despite wanting to surpass his father, Tetsue’s son wasn’t his father. Any harsh words from the Seeds were shuffled into the back of his mind, and he became that of which many had dreamed to be. A soulless warrior, to the eye, but a cunning and swift man in the face of sheer adversary. His name was spoken rarely, his preferred silence seeming to come across in volumes that he wanted his name to be spoken as much. The warrior kept the mantle of a Xenom warrior, despite how everything had changed. When Ryouko was free, free to come and go as he pleased, he spent his time in Hell. The Demonic Mokushian had conversed with the older spirits of the Mokushians, and found that many of them had been wanting a second chance at life. He granted seven of them that wish, entombing their very souls into Seven Metashi blades. Blades that connected to Sands and gave him the abilities of the deceased souls…allowing him to complete impossible feats, even for a Mokushian. Though Ryouko had only ever used two blades in the set of seven, that attached to Sands. Whenever he was challenged to use all of them in battle, the bastard deigned to use only One blade. Ashes. Named after the man who was entombed in the blade, it was more than enough to combat the enemy before him, and his army. That was the factor of Ryouko that scared and astonished most, that the teenager, not even in his prime, had that vast amount of power hidden and concealed, to never see the light. Now many of you may have questions. Questions of why he would continue to consider himself a warrior of Xenom, even after they were all killed. The simple answer was that Ryouko had made an oath. An oath to protect and serve Xenom for the rest of his life. To surpass his father, who was beaten, and to show that he was more than anyone could fathom. The boy had decided this when he took up the mantle of service to Tetsue, and it wasn’t about to change because of a change in leadership.