[@booksmusicanime][@Spooky Tanuki][@thanatosDefiant][@DigitalDemon][@Skepic] Chara rolled their eyes as the humans began flocking to Toriel like... ducklings, or something else equally cute and annoying. They were a little angry that Flowey hadn't answered them, although considering the situation it would raise a bit of suspicion if they started having an all-out conversation. [color=9e0b0f]"Hmm... Watch this."[/color] Chara snickered as they went over to one human who seemed totally uninterested in the group, just some guy walking down the street. He was weak, easy to posses and control as Chara made him walk over to the group, a crazed grin on his face mirroring their own as Chara found that he carried a pocket knife. He drew it slowly from his pocket as Chara made him speak, an introduction mocking those of the other humans who had walked over to talk to Toriel. [color=f6989d]"Hello! I don't know any of you but find you all extremely [i]annoying[/i]. Especially. You."[/color] As Chara made the human say "you" they made him lunge at Toriel with the knife aimed for her heart, leaving/unpossessing the human at the same moment. Chara hovered nearby to watch the "fun", laughing and looking around for more weak humans they could sick on Toriel.