Hello, everyone. :) [hider=Danica Silvar] [b]Name:[/b] Danica Silvar [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Naga [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image] [img]http://pic.i-imgs.com/wp-content/uploads/1993/04/7de1c70fcf43f4ce1f99b9a585342db2.jpg[/img] [/hider] A slender woman, Danica prefers to wear light clothing when at rest (see above) and flexible leather armor in combat. At times, she’ll don a mask that covers the upper half of her face to hide her striking snake eyes—while she can still see through it, it greatly impairs her vision and she wears it only by necessity. She carries a hooded fur cloak with her and will often wear it unseasonably in order to protect against the extremes in temperature that Naga are particularly susceptible to. She prefers regular attire and armor alike with hoods, which she tends to pull down over her eyes. [b]Element Affinity:[/b] Shadow [b]Magic:[/b] Shadow spells. She can cloak herself from sight with shadow magic, but this obviously works much better in the dark, and only on those who are not especially focused on where she is; it doesn’t tend to work reliably against skilled magic users. [b]Gear:[/b] A long knife in a sheath on her thigh, and a bow and quiver at her hip with poison-tipped arrows. The venom comes from Danica herself. As a young Naga, her venom is not extremely potent yet and the amount on the arrows would only cause temporary weakness in her target, assuming her aim was true. [b]Brief History:[/b] Danica has spent much of her life in the seedy underbellies of various cities. Since Naga are not exactly welcome among the populace, from a young age Dani developed a general distrust and dislike of society at large. As a Magi whose talents manifested early in her life, she had even more reason to keep to the shadows with the changing views of the people and the Church. As a result, she has certainly had plenty of opportunities to hone her ability to stay unnoticed. She put her skills to good use in order to make a living in her chosen profession—thievery. As a child, she would pickpocket and steal small goods and food from market stalls, but as she grew older she would ally herself with other members of the local criminals’ nest to target larger establishments and more valuable hauls. She has been successful in her thefts for the most part, and at the very least has managed to stay out of major trouble of the sort that would get her captured or killed. Even so, she preferred to uproot herself often and stay on the move, should her face become a familiar one in any particular city. Danica would travel with others when younger, but as an adult she’s confident that she can handle things on her own. Lately she has fallen in with a group of roving bandits, who hired her for her talents, magical and otherwise. In return, she gets a share of the profits, food, and a (relatively) safe place to shelter among their number. [b]Additional Info:[/b] Despite an ability to converse easily and get along with likeminded people, Danica keeps a basic level of emotional distance from others, not even forming bonds with those whom she lived and worked with on a regular basis. She has known few Naga throughout her life, scattered as they often were, and even the criminals of other races would never trust her completely. Not to mention, her occupation was a dangerous one, and Dani traveled often. It was better this way. Also, never call her Dani. [/hider]