Ryou took the card from her and examined it. [b]"Wow, this place really is nice."[/b] He handed it back to her assuming she probably kept that somewhat dear to her. He was listening somewhat intently, but nothing sounded really interesting or important yet, other than that she had an uncle and there might be somthing interesting about him. She shut off pretty quickly there, but maybe she does really think she's rambling. [b]"Haha, you are very fine. You haven't gotten anywhere near rambling yet. I have a tendency to be able to ramble. Especially if I am up late. Then you could probably get my whole lifestory if you want to sit around and listen to it."[/b] Of course when he said that about his past, the story wouldn't include some key details like his assassinations, and some other things too. [b]"I heard that as well. I'm signed up for the art class too."[/b] Ryou was unsure whether or not he should ask his next question, but it was probably inevitable, might as well get it out of the way. [b]"Have you heard of class Noir?"[/b]