[center][h1][color=pink]Kazuhiko Ippitsusai[/color][/h1] [hr] [center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/f68239289aa7cbff486aaf9173d9b7de/tumblr_mimb8jPEZ61rwauezo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Apartment 2B [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Benji [@Raxacoricofallapatorius]- in person / Dom - [@Xtreme] , Didi - [@lopsided] and Lucie [@symphoni], via text. [/center] [hr] Kip donned a mint colored button-down under a dark green cardigan, violet dress pants and his trusty black oxford. He eyed himself on the mirror. [color=pink]Oh god, is this enough for the party, I mean at least I followed the color scheme? right?! And I have the bead and the mask... it's just right... probably...[/color] he doubted. He stuffed some mardi gras beads into his messenger bag, and walked over to his desk to take a pair of masks; primed using gold paint, with an abundance of tiny alternating purple and green feathers on both ends and bedazzled with four-leaf clovers fashioned out of resin and green glitter, he blew off the excess glitter before putting it in the bag. He went out to the kitchen to get a drink, after taking a sip he checked on his phone. [center] [b]From: Big Bro Dom [color=pink]Idea. Talk at the party. Oh and I’m home btw[/color] [/b] [/center] Well, that's a pleasant surprise, he thought. An idea... which meant talking... maybe some stories, DOM'S STORIES, Kip adored listening to Dom's adventures, it gives him a taste of how it is out there, up there, with very little opportunity to actually partake in it he appreciates at least having an idea of how it goes. And it gives him an excuse to look at him and admire the profile of [i]the mountain man[/i] provided he doesn't swoon too hard. [center] [b]To: Big Bro Dom [color=pink]Looking forward to it. Welcome home. Will see you then.[/color] [/b] [/center] After sending out the response, a new notif buzzed in with a reply from Didi. [center] [b]From: Anne Frank [color=pink]Yeh, I'll be going at Eva's first. You'll just have to see for yourself, Kiper. And next time, use your pretty fingers.[/color] [/b] [/center] [center] [b]To: Anne Frank [color=pink]My fingers were too pretty with oil paint so I had to make do... it wasn't super bad. My camera will also see for herself, YOU IN A DRESS IS MOMENTOUS. I'll be waiting for you in front of her apartment. [/color] [/b] [/center] He drank down the bottle of water after sending the reply and was about to head back to his room when a tired-looking Benji came in. [color=a2d39c]"Kon'nichiwa Ippitsusai-chan!"[/color] he greeted, it's always a surprise for Kip to hear him say it so smoothly, the guy sounded like he grew up in Tokyo. [color=pink]"Okaeri, Enji-tan!"[/color] he greeted back, followed by a tired wave from his hand. [color=a2d39c]"How was your nap?"[/color] Benji asked, patting Kip in the head. [color=pink]"Good but inadequate."[/color] Kip replied with a yawn as Benji walked to his room and he went back to his. He rolled the green gift wrap on the floor and fixed the portrait down a rectangular box on the centre, it was a 17'' x 25'' canvas with a 2-inch frame made out of wood and painted with gold, It was a painting of [i]Dom and Nat as a King and Queen rendered in Rococo style[/i]. He was about to start wrapping it up when a thought crossed his mind. [color=pink]Is this [i]acceptable[/i]? Maybe I should have used acrylic instead? Maybe she won't like how the colors are blended? Maybe this isn't good enough... I could have used watercolor... I should have drawn a portrait of her alone instead, it is [i]a gift to her[/i]... maybe I should have painted everyone in... [i]why'd I[/i]... [i]fuck, fuck, shit[/i][/color].... The little Asian man started having a tiny breakdown, eventually having to sit down and curl from the numbness in his feet and the chill by his stomach. It's usually the small uncertain things that get his anxiety up. [color=pink]NO, NO , this isn't good, not today[/color]... he was about to tear up. He whizzed out a deep sigh and sat still for a moment, taking in the quiet of the night. He started breathing [i]in... and out....[/i] [color=pink]Just like Tas said[/color], [i]in.... and out.....[/i] [color=pink]Everything will be fine[/color], [i]in.... and out....[/i] [color=pink]Everything will be fine[/color], [i]in.... and out....[/i] [i]breathing in... and out....[/i] After recovering from the episode, he finally got up his feet... still woozy in his toes. [color=a2d39c]"Hey Kipper, how do I look?"[/color] asked Benji approaching Kip's room from the corridor. [color=pink]"Dapper but still Punk, I like it."[/color] He said, his voice [i]slightly shaky[/i]. Benji looked in and spotted the Portrait. [color=a2d39c]"Wow! That's fantastic! Is it for Nat?"[/color] he stated, awestruck. A flush of relief welled in on Kip, [color=pink]"Thank you, yeah, it's for Nat!"[/color] he said fighting a [i]weak surge of tears[/i]. He started playing with his fringe with two of his fingers. [color=a2d39c]"Ah, anyway, are you ready to go?"[/color] The punk leprechaun asked. [color=pink]"I just have to wrap her up and I'll be good."[/color] Kip replied cuffing up his sleeves. [color=a2d39c]"Do you want some help?"[/color] [color=pink]"Nah, I'm Good."[/color] Kip relieved a smile, thankful of having such a genuine friend. [color=a2d39c]"Alright, I'll be on the couch."[/color] The punk leprechaun swung out. [i][color=pink]This is fine, tonight will be fine[/color][/i]. He put the box lid in place and meticulously wrapped it with seamlines and decorated it with white tape lace around the edges. He was interrupted by a buzz from his phone. [center] [b]From: Lucie Lou [color=pink]Guess who's back?!!? [/color] [/b] [/center] [center] [b]To: Lucie Lou G.M [color=pink]Welcome back :3 [/color] [/b] [/center] After sending his reply to the group message, he saw the boxes of old DC issues that he got the day before pop out from his peripheral and decided to do a little sharing. [center] [b]To: Lucie Lou [color=pink]Some kid from my org gave me a bunch of paperbacks and it's a little overwhelming, you might maybe kind of want to check it out if you maybe kind of want to? [/color] [/b] [/center] Kip's on a long path learning how to ask people for hang-outs. He went out the living room and tapped Benji on the shoulder, they head out, Kip feeling a little gush of jitters.