[b]Day 16, Late-Afternoon[/b] [color=00a651]Edgar_Walther[/color] [@BlackPanther] [color=8882be][i]The other players regarded the pair warily, when they bothered to take notice of them at all. Edgar kept alert, but paid most of his attention and effort into moving along at a respectable pace, to get to the gorge as quickly as possible. At last the near end of the gorge came into view, and smiling Edgar pulled out his spear and shield, and picked his pace up to an easy jog. He intended to meet what ever lay in wait for them head on and at speed.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Blood, blast 'n blazes!"[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I yell as I reach the mouth of the gorge and jump over a small rise, right into a huge beetle of some sort. I charge it and stab at it, and realize this is going to be a tough fight, as my spear glances off the thick carapace of the beetle. I try a shield bash in desperation, but it also has no effect, or rather no significant effect. Unfortunately, I managed to gain aggro, despite my pathetic attacks, and the beetle turn to one side, confusing me, and then snap's the two wing covers open, one slamming into me, and knocking me off my feet. I tumble into the dusty ground a few meters away, and lay there stunned for the time being, just trying to suck air into my lungs again. My health bar doesn't drop far, and is still in the green, but I'm prone and stunned, so it's unlikely that damage was the primary goal of that particular ability.[/i][/color]