Hey, I've just read through this whole thing and see you've hit an impasse. Mind If I add a few words? What if magic came into the existence after a failed science experiment ripped open the "wall" between two dimensions? Standard earth-like dimension, and crazy-ass dimension. Individuals traveling from magic wonder land lose their powers the moment they step into realism heaven, whilst those from science town gain powers when they cross through. For a time, neither of the dimensions were compatible, but then science town found a way to harvest this new energy source aka magic through the dimensional rift, and started to use it to augment their civilization. Crazy ass magic wonder land got angry, their world being drained of life, and did some kind of end-of-the-world feat, destroying not-earth in retaliation. The science town refugees then flee, with their knowledge of magic only a fraction of crazy town's, but with science to enhance it. Meanwhile, the crazy magic guys are left with a world that has been irreparably damaged, and must prepare to transcend the rift - by merging the dimensions. So then at some point, Magitec has to go toe to toe with cocaine magic, in a war of crazy but realistic and logic breaking proportions. I know this garbage is full of contradictions, but maybe something in there might start people thinking in another direction. Sorry if I'm way out of line for storming in like this lol, no offense intended. This is all just my two pennies, hate away my friends, and good hunting.