[h3]Note.[/h3] I'm offering to you all to chance to make a side character. A side character is a character you don't need to use all the time, someone you can use to add to your character's story, someone you can use to make events happen. Most people don't allow side characters to have their own post, saying they should only be allowed in an interaction but if you have enough content I don't mind a side character having their own post. Side characters just have to be strongly connected to a main character, adding to his or her story. Ie. If I were to make a side character, I'd make a servant type for my girl who helps her with her endeavors. But overall, lives and breathes for my character. The difference beteeem an NPC and a side character. NPC are people we bring up to make shit happen or to show depth to our character but we won't get close to. Like classmates. Generic housemates you can name. Pedestrians. The only NPCs you might get close to are the Elders. A side character is someone we'll care about just as much as a main. We will remember their name, but they're meant to help a main character's story. Ie. Best friend. Lover. Teacher. Pet (animals are allowed). Child. [h3]UNLESS.[/h3] You're a outsider of a house (Vampire hunter, Loner..etc). Then I may allow you to make a second main character in a house. Only because I do not want anymore outsiders xD. We need people residing in a House. Granted, I do not want you to take on a second character unless you can handle it. So. We can wait before I give ya'll an option to make another main character.