[center][h2][color=orange]Jethro Roranson[/color][/h2][/center][hr] As Jethro walked down the mountain path he noticed the unusual spawn rate of the local mobs. What was usually a tawdry walk in the hills was now an epicenter of wolves and carrion birds. Trying his best to stay in the middle of the road Jethro just couldn't pass up the chance for free experiance. So keeping an eye out for any straglers Jethro finally found his target. About a dozen yards or so behind it's pack a solitary grey wolf became Jethro's pray. [color=orange]"Okay Twinkle we have to take her down before she activates her Call For Family. Ready? GO!"[/color] Ordered the dwarf to his boar companion. Running into the nearby field the wolf was patroling Jethro and Twinkle charged in. Twinkle landed the first blow a devastaing gore into the ribcage of the canine. The wolf then whipped around snapping it's jaws latching onto Twinkles neck. [color=orange]"Oh no you don't sweetheart!"[/color] Cried the dwarf has he swung his hammer down with a sickening thud onto the wolf's back. The wolf released and shuffled back. It lowered his head flattening its ears and growled bafore taking a big breath. [color=orange]"Nope can't have that. You just hush your pretty mouth."[/color] Said the dwarf setting up his back swing as the first of the wolf's howl began to leave it's mouth. Before it could finish it was cut off by a gnarly crunch as Jethro struck it with a nasty golf swing attack. The canine fell over dead then disintgrated in an explosion of data. The menu popped up in front of him showing him what he had looted. Just the usual. Wolf pelt, wolf meat, and a wolf tooth. He got a small boost in experiance and Twinkle gained her first level. Nothing special. So the two of them moved on continuing to grind out some experiance. They were about half way to Aberlyne when they came across a female human in black wielding a scythe on the road. [i]Scythe wielder? Must be pretty high level.[/i] Thought the dwarf. Approaching her he smiled and waved. [color=orange]"G'morning mon cherie! Don' tell me a pretty ting like you is stuck in teh game too. Awful shame, but what you gonna do? Anyway, where are my manners? My name Jethro, Jethro Roranson here, but back home It's Marcus. Pleasue to meet you! So, what's a high level gal doing in these parts?"[/color] He asked after introducing himself. His accent was thick with french creole background.