[quote=@Natsu] Tentative interest, just a quick question. How do tabletops work over the internet? [/quote] You use a Cs as in any other rp But use stats and rolls to determinate fail or success. Basically the same as on paper but with a computer at hand. [url=https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm]Dice Rolling online[/url] ============= [quote=@Windicator] I guess I can see where you are coming from seeing as how grounded this system seems to be to the one present in Digimon World and changing the mechanic from a "Energy bar" to "Special slot/Technique slot" or possibly just CD based would change the dynamic drastically but I seemed to have had shifted to the PnP mind set and yeah, most of them have reasons even besides tracking for existence of such slots. I can agree with you would it be implemented in a efficient way with some thought put into should we really see X spamming its signature ability/technique Y for the next 5 encounters (though that would imply bad balance anyway). I mean in no way to actually invalidate Digimon that are specialized in said abilities/techniques. On another note, I think I found your earlier Digimon Table Top. I guess I don't have an argument against this, implementation needs to be thought out however as if flawed the game will probably feel a little dull. [/quote] Well depending on techniques avalible it might just happens that Players can only use their Signature move as that is the only skil they were able to learn. On the other hand there's from my pow, little reason why not to spam my best attack if it got the greatest chance to hit and deal damage while probably being boosted the best by my stats. Possibly dedicate the 'Generation' value to learn like 1 ability, and upgrade my character with another Gene pool to draw better stats on level up to myself. In the end there's just no reason for a Warrior to learn both archery and Magic. Pull out that two handed axe in your right hand, that gigantic shield in your left. Hide behind The heaviest, steam roll armor you can and then charge your enemies like the badass tank you are. Then depend on the corresponding allies to handle whatever areas you suck at. That's the warrior way.