[center][h2][color=a2d39c]Benji Graham[/color][/h2] [b]Location:[/b] 2B, The Partay [b]Interacting With:[/b] Lucie via text [@Symphoni], Kipper [@rougeLily], Natalya [@HushedWhispers], and everyone else at the party currently.[/center][hr] [i]"Jooohn CENA~ de dede deee~"[/i] Benji's phone shrieked and he jumped, having forgotten that he'd recently changed his text tone. As he sat on the couch waiting for Kip, he checked the message from Lucie, and his face lit up in a grin. She was always doing such nice things for him, he'd definitely have to draw her some cartoons with those fancy pencils. Lots. He sent back: [center]New Message To: [b]Captain Marvel[/b] [color=a2d39c][i]Oh em geeeee! Are you serious? Thank you <3 <3 <3 I will draw you anything![/i][/color] *send* [color=a2d39c]btw you're coming to Nat's par-tay tonight right? It's gonna be off the hook (if feliks has anything to say about it) Be sure to wear something green and/or sparkly![/color] *send*[/center] A tap on the shoulder signaled it was time to go. He slipped his phone back in his pocket and jumped up, grabbing the paper grocery back he'd stuffed the presents into. He tried not to look directly at Kip's present, because it was so meticulously wrapped and decorated that it made him almost feel bad about his own wrapping job. I mean, his presents were fine, he'd just sorta wrapped them in a hurry without worrying too much about it. [i]It's what's on the inside that counts, after all.[/i] Or something like that. [hr] [color=a2d39c]"All right everyone, the party can start now!"[/color] Benji announced loudly as he stepped into the club, holding the door for Kip because the guy seemed to have his arms full carrying his precious gift. Apparently not everyone had arrived yet, which was good because Benj hated feeling like he was late. He glanced over at the three girls, gawking for a moment. Nat and Tas were exceptionally hotter than usual, and Claire was running a fabulous streak that rivaled his own. He skipped over to Natalya, tipping his hat and bowing. [color=a2d39c]"And the birthday girl. Ah mon cheri, you are positively exquisite,"[/color] he gushed in a very bad French accent, kissing the air next to both her cheeks in the European fashion, at which point his act fell apart and he started giggling childishly. [color=a2d39c]"Anyway, are we doing presents now or later? I'm not sure where to put all these pots of gold. Is Connor here yet?"[/color] At that moment, Dom joined the group with a tray of various alcoholic beverages. That guy seriously had the best timing ever. He snagged a But Light Lime and twisted off the cap, taking a sip. Mmm, it was cold and fresh. Now he was really ready to party. [color=a2d39c]"Hey did you all hear Lucie's back in town? I think she's gonna make the party. Oh and Nat, I went ahead and invited Jamie and Dill,"[/color] Benji's bandmates, AKA tons of fun. [color=a2d39c]"They might show up later. We're gonna have a full house."[/color]