[center] [IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/2j6a7hv.gif[/IMG] [h2][color=4682B4]Samson Shin-won Ahn[/color][/h2][b]Where?[/b] Nat's Birthday Party [b]With?[/b] Party-goers[hr][/center] Samson rolled up to the party with a hesitant chuckle. He knew he was going to get an earful for being late, since he was never ever late. Even with all the extra pit stops he should have been early, like his usual self, but tonight might have been a little different too. As he was about to leave his car, his phone chimed, showing him a little message from his roommate, Lucie, telling of her arrival. He was happy for her to be back, having his little family away from home a whole now yet again. [color=4682B4]"Alright, let's go?"[/color] He said, walking out of his car with his hands full of food. He strutted up into where Nat's party was with a big grin, shouting: [color=4682B4]"The food is here!"[/color] He set the food down and laid out the platters, showcasing the [url=https://picturefood.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/img_2182.jpg]bulgogi lettuce wraps[/url], [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Tteokbokki.JPG]dukboki[/url], [url=http://cdn-image.foodandwine.com/sites/default/files/korea0615-hd-5.jpg]gamja hot dogs[/url], and other various popular Korean street and snack foods. There was bound to be something for everyone as his mom knew how diverse his group of friends and their tastes were. [color=4682B4]"Get it while it's hot!"[/color] [color=4682B4]"Now where's this birthday girl?"[/color] Sam shouted, with his cheerful smile. [color=4682B4]"Gotta do this in person now!"[/color]