[Center][img]https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/39200000/12383300-1723389021207426-1133239518-n-lucas-bernardini-39254063-300-300.jpg[/img] [h2]Darren Flint[/h2] 764|[url=http://wallpoper.com/images/00/22/37/28/dark-warrior_00223728.jpg]DEMON[/url](SHADOW)|THE SMOOTH TALKER [Url=https://youtu.be/YQZX0ams8dc]THIS CITY-HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD [/Url] JANUARY 4, CAPRICORN Darren was once leader of the demon group until Billie came in and not only kicked him off the top, but kicked him out of the group entirely. He still managed to keep a few of those loyal to him in the group, but most either left the school or were cast out as well. Justin has been his only successful insider. Darren was a leader to begin with because he has a way with words that compares to very few. Darren, up until last year, was constantly on the radar and had to watch his every move. He only recieved help from a few friends, and what help he got from Jackie remained secret so she could maintain her role as the leader of the vampires. He has also managed to piss off plenty of others in the school. One of his girlfriends was Maggie Martin, who he had cheated on with his booty call. He was found out and after that has been in her older sister's radar. He's also on a lot more radars after the incident where he had tried to sleep with Clary. However, with the fued going on he managed to lay low and had people thinking he wasn't coming back. However, that was not the case. Darren spent the summer with his father, who was recently sprung from his cage, and was informed by his father that Azrael has a new recruiter in the school. He was also told it would be wise to get in with him. [h3]Classes[/h3] Free period Ancient Languages and Dialects History PE Realms IV Ancient Literature Coexisting with other Supernaturals[/center]