Welcome (possibly back) to QUEST: A Picture Adventure! I will draw a picture, you will give suggestions to the character, I will draw a picture, and we will continue this until some sort of end is reached (or I don't have enough free time to keep doing it, like what usually happens). Not all suggestions will be used, however, but I suppose that may depend on how many people participate. There are only two rules: 1. Don't suggest anything nasty. I don't want to draw it. 2. The character can't kill themselves. If they accidentally set off some sort of trap, however... This time, I'll be drawing with a pen on note-cards, which I will then take a picture of with my phone. Hence the "pocket" part. Maybe this will solve the problem of me not having enough time to do it on my computer? The goal for this QUEST? Reach the top of the tower and get the thing. But before we can begin, somebody has to... [img]http://i.imgur.com/aV4cWNgl.jpg[/img]