[h2][center]Lorand[/center][/h2] [hr] As Lorand listened to Melia talk, he thought about if he had seen the name before. It definitely rang a bell, but he had played with so many players at this point that he hadn't put in much effort to remember their names. After all, there were some people he partied with that he [b]NEVER[/b] wanted to know the names of. Players who were far worse than his friend Amelia, and being that bad at an MMO should be an achievement in it's own. However, what little he did remember of her was positive, if he was remembering the right person. Because of that, he actually listened to her proposal intently. After hearing what she had to say, she saw where she was coming from. No one actually knew what was going on in this new 'world' they were in, and some investigation would have to be done. He decided he would help out this person. Besides, he had been extremely bored for the past hour and needed some actual competent people to work with for later. Out of curiosity, he took out the map and noticed that the mountain had indeed been unblocked as she said. This sent his curiosity rampant, he really wanted to see what the hell was up there as well. When Melia was finished, Lorand promptly turned to her and spoke. "Sure, I have nothing else better to do. I'll help you out." While all this was happening though, he still felt a rather brooding presence in the room. While not as upset as she was before, the girl he had brought inside was still clearly enraged. He even felt quite a bit of this rage targeted at him, even though he couldn't make eye contact. That probably wasn't a good idea right now. Still, he did feel a little bad about dragging her in here like a rag doll, and decided he should do at least something to make that up to her. Seeing that she probably didn't speak English, he once again looked at Melia and spoke again. "Also, why is she so angry exactly? We should probably solve this problem before we go exploring, and I do feel like I owe her a little apology."