So clearly I'm looking for a Pokémon RP uhh DUH! I started playing SoulSilver here recently so I'm in a pokemon mood and I've been trying to get back into RPing so I thought why not try a Pokémon RP! Uhhh yeah! So I'm gonna go over some rules or guidelines. Is that okay with you? No? Too bad! Rules/Guidelines Before I get started I just wanted to let you know I'll be mixing the show, games, and manga into this RP. There are things I like from all three of them and then there are things that just really annoy me. I'll be taking the good out on a date and kicking the living hell out of the bad! So let's get started! YAY! :D Oh yeah and all these rules are in a random order! 1. Okay let's go with number of Pokémon! You may have as many Pokémon on you as you happening to be going after gym badges. If your trainer is going from gym to gym trying to get into the Pokémon league you may only have six to a team. Anymore then six get set to a daycare or back home or whatever! 2. Your Pokémon may know more then four moves! That's one thing I hate about the games. It's bullshit! But don't abuse this rule...If you have a Pikachu using Ice Beam...well we're gonna need to sit down and have a talk. That's not cool! 3. No legendaries!!!! They suck >_>...jk they don't suck but seriously none of them unless it has something to do strongly with the plot! God damn legendaries...I work hard on my team!!! I get online and battle some jerk from god knows where wipes my team with a Mewtwo. >_>...sorry about that little rant. Oh I better add I'm not as strict on your character seeing a Legendary at one point in their lives. That's okay. 4. You must be able to juggle more then one character. PLEASE!!! I don't wanna be the only one using more then one main character and NPC's. I think that rule is easy enough. 5. Make your own main characters. I don't mind people like Brock, Misty, or Oak being in the story for the plot. That's fine, but don't be like I'm gonna use Crystal!!! NO!!! For right now pretend Red, Blue, Gold, and all those guys don't exist. Just for now....Ash will never exist though....sorry. 6. When it comes to post length I don't really have one. Some times I can post up to five paragraphs and other times I post barely one paragraph. I'm not gonna get butt hurt if I give you a long ass post of four or five paragraphs and then you give me back like one. 7. Look have the RP make sense too...I don't wanna be walking through a forest and out of no where a Magmar appears. cool as that'd be because Magmar is badass...just no. And as for your trainer/trainers having rare pokemon like shinies and other starters...just don't go over board with it. I don't care if your trainer starts off with a starter like Charmander that's fine. But don't be like oh now I found a Chimchar and oh look a Totodile oh my gosh now a shiny Gastly appeared!!! Keep rare Pokémon...rare. I think that's yeah! Anything else we'll brainstorm!!! Just PM!!!