You all seem stuck, I think? Time zones *shakes fist* So, I think, what I'm gonna do, and bare with me, is [b]ban collabs for a little while[/b]. Until we can get this train rolling because all these ginormous posts and we've only gotten to the plane. ;( So, I'm gonna have the plane ride be no collabs, and when they touch down, I think it'd be wise for all the characters to unwind in their respective rooms with their plus ones [where you can begin collabing], and then we'll separate the Carringtons from the guests. ;D How does that sound to everyone (minus [@Lady Amalthea] for her first post with her new dude bro friend, but afterwards, yeah). I think, for any big events Miso and I plan on doing, we're gonna put this collab ban into action and then after the events are over, we'll drop it. Does that sound good for everyone? Yes? No? Maybe?