[h3]Hisaki Kawaguchi | Namimori School Rooftop[/h3] Hisaki arrived late, very late, didn't even rush, just walked over, but he couldn't help that. He wanted to finish his meal after all, and he woke up late, but he was late anyways. Normally he was a little earlier, but nothing said waking up early in his job description. Still, the whole idea of mafia was not alien to him, weren't they something like yakuza? He's seen a bunch of them and has some idea of what he was going to deal with. Still, he was given this offer fairly randomly, and to him it felt like an opportunity for something interesting. He would never be able to expect what his future held as a result. [color=steelblue]"Huh? Camping? We're not confusing 'mafia' with boy scouts are we?"[/color], he retorted. He arrived in time though to hear the briefing but everyone else was already there. Some faces he recognized, Reina and the 'boss', Yoshiaki, somehow that didn't sit well with him, but that might be the little rivalry they have in fighting games. Reina being here somehow made sense to him, she was strong. Then there was that kid Ayumu or something. For someone so proper he didn't expect him to get involved with 'mafia'. Then again mafia were nothing like your back alley gangs, more organized, so suddenly it felt more fitting. [color=steelblue]"Still... That's gotta be better than chores with that old man..."[/color], he sighed. It looked like everyone was going into the shopping area to prepare... What was there to prepare? Probably food and supplies, everyone seemed to be intent on going together... [color=steelblue]"I'll tag along, I'm headed the same way"[/color], he said. Really he just wanted to go down and get the newest issue of Jump, and maybe get some food before heading home. What kind of preparation would he need for a camp anyway...?