Ezri woke quite early that morning. It was to be a very important and eventful day, and she didn't want to miss it. She greeted dawn with a wink and smile and rushed to ready herself for her meeting at the palace. Her quarters weren't kept very well. She was rarely home enough to keep things in an orderly fashion. It was either training that occupied her time, daily duties as a soldier that kept her, or nightly rides with Luna that eluded her bed of her company. Dirty clothes in random piles of all sizes litter her room, a washbasin full of dishes, stained with the remnants of meals long since eaten, and the smell … it would probably take her weeks to air out the small space she called home. And yet, she managed to find all that she would need, and in record time. She had been on her own for quite a few years now. But lately, her daily chores began to slip more and more from her list of priorities. She continues to work hard, but has started to feel as if her training has become stagnant. Most of her peers have all these lofty ambitions. Her own had been drown out in the monotony of their day to day activities, the countless battles over territory and land. It all seemed so catty and pointless. It wasn't that she was too arrogant to learn more, or reach higher. She didn't want to lead, and had no clue how or where to move on from that. She had a duty to her people, and a genuine desire to help. So when she received invitation for an audience at the palace, she jumped at the opportunity it would bring. She lingered in the market area for a time, leisurely ate her breakfast before finally making her way to the palace. If there was one thing that she would ever take her time doing, it was eating good food. Besides, why else would she have given herself so much time this morning? There was someone amongst the crowd ahead of her whom she recognized. Another soldier, her elder by at least five years, if not more. She had seen the woman around before, had even trained with her a time or two. She was an exquisite warrior; poised, precise, ferocious. [Color=FF4500][i]One day, I’ll be just as good as her, if not better. [/i][/color] Ezri’s eyes trailed the lanky woman as she proceeded into the great halls. Her smile widened as she followed, not far behind, into a large room. Something was going on. Something dire indeed to have summoned the Watchers before her. Perhaps this was her chance at last. Not necessarily for greatness, but a chance to do some real good. And perhaps even a chance at forgiveness, if such a thing could ever be earned. Seated at a table just ahead of them were three individuals, their King and Prince among them. Stepping to the side, still positioned slightly behind Indus out of respect, she bowed her head low. [Color=8882be]”Sirs”[/color], the woman offered. [Color=FF4500]”Good morning”[/color], Ezri added before continuing over to seat herself.