[center][Img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/89/df/70/89df7076ff1b7a4b2fc8977e6b3338a9.jpg[/img] [color=6495ED][i]“What can I do for ya?”[/i][/color] [color=6495ED]Name:[/color] Ezri Annabelle Hartwig [color=6495ED]Age:[/color] 27 [color=6495ED]Position In Tribe:[/color] A soldier, working her way through the ranks [color=6495ED]Skills:[/color] [color=A52A2A]Adept swordsman:[/color] Ezri has studied the art of swordplay since she was young. Mimicking the moves of her father and older brother as they trained for battle, her only hope was that one day, she would reach their skill and join them in the ranks. [color=A52A2A]Fire magic:[/color] Out of all the elements fire was the only that seemed in tune with Ezri. Even when she was a child. She would watch the fire mage with awe and wonder. She isn't as skilled with her use of magic as she is with her sword, but she does understand how to utilize its properties, and how to manipulate it based on her needs. [color=A52A2A]Inspire:[/color] There is a certain air about the woman, those around her feel… lighter, like they can do the unthinkable. And while in battle, her presence inspires others. [color=6495ED]Personality:[/color] Ezri is bold and outspoken, though after being constantly scolded as a child, she has been trained to choose her words more wisely. Something of which may slip from time to time. Regardless, she always has the best intentions at heart, seeking only to help others. She is be a bit awkward at times. Trying desperately to remember her father's teachings and put them into practice every day. Her temper may run hot at times, but not without an effort to keep from exploding. There is a darkness inside her, one that she tries very hard to hide. But it is what fuels her every move as she strives to become the best. [color=6495ED]Weapon:[/color] She carries a simple [url=http://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/server4100/dd172/products/1511/images/7425/Medieval_Handmade_Short_Sword_Dagger_with_Scabbard__63450.1361692459.1000.675.jpg?c=2]short sword[/url]. A weapon handed to her by her father when she became a soldier. The weapon itself was gifted to him by a lordling, whom he saved during his younger days in the militia. [color=6495ED]Family:[/color] Ezri never knew her mother. From tales spoken, she knew she was a beautiful woman, wonderful and gifted, who died in childbirth. The child soon grew up to be the youngest of two. Her older brother Edmund, had enlisted to become a soldier just as his father before him. As events turned unfortunate, Edmund was killed during a skirmish with the enemy. Their father had become an old man now, unable to fight in the wars. And being left injured from his last taste of battle, it was now up to Ezri to hold up the family name. She knew he wouldn’t last the winter, he was old and frail, and the years had taken their toll on the Watcher. [color=6495ED]Bio:[/color] Ezri knew from a young age that she wanted to become a soldier. She never spent too much time thinking about how she could fill the huge boots that her father and brother walked in, rather how she could make her own foot prints in this world. She was much smaller than either of them, one might have guessed her to be the 'runt' of the pack. But her presence alone made up for her size. Her spirit, her smile, it rarely waned. There were sparse moments, when she thought she was alone, when hints of sadness would creep around her. But she was determined to never let the light be snuffed out. She would mimic her brother and father while they trained, would sneak into the training yard to watch the other soldiers prepare for battle. Now it was her turn to hold the torch of her family name. Not just to uphold their honor and settle the score of her brother's death, but for a deeper purpose, one of her own. While her aspirations are to be the best, she's never had thought towards climbing the ranks. Being the best and leading others are two different things. But if there is anything to be done to help her people, she is the first in line to do it. [color=6495ED]Other:[/color] [Hider=Ezri's Mount - Luna, the flying squirrel] [Img]http://www.27east.com/assets/Article/465887/fly%20sq%20(1).JPG[/img] [/hider] [/center]