Posting my character for ease of reference [hider]Name: Pierce "Steam Roller" Gatsby Age: 53 Gender: Male Race: Genetic Freak (Human) Random descriptors: [indent]Subgenre of Metal: Power Metal Shred Level: Expert Alignment: Chaotic Badass [/indent] Character Tier: Semi-realistic/Mild-powered Allegiance: Freehold, sort of Physical Description: Even before getting close, anybody could sense Pierce's fearsome aura. It is a mighty energy that could shoot out, and put you in a choke hold before you'll know it. His aura is imposing and sometimes even oppressive, capable of keeping weaker opponents at bay simply by existing. This is not a charge up, however, or even any sort of special "ki" or "chakra" or "mana". The energy that radiates from Pierce is nothing but an extension of his muscles. Having left humanity behind, Pierce controls a body which had reached past human limits. His musculature is so impressive, any body builder could stare at envy, going insane before hitting the gym and making huge gains for the next three days- simply out of envy. Pierce's height is actually shorter than he'd like, standing at a very underwhelming 5'9", though weighing at 240 lbs. Pierce's body is not only muscular, but also quite vascular. His veins run like train tracks along his forearms. Pierce's quads are impressive, far greater than any other. Pierce does not have head-hair. His eyebrows and beard are a light, blonde color. His skin is a slightly tanned, off-white color. Pierce has piercing hazel colored eyes. His eyebrows are thick and masculine, and his jaw-line is strong. Due to Pierce's physique, he rarely wears clothing. He wears only a pair of specially made pants designed to control Pierce's incredible manhood, and a pair of boots. The pants are made of a comfortable 56% polyester, 24% cotton, 14% rayon, and 7% wool- thus making it 101% pants. The pants, sweat pants, are light blue in color, and worn baggy. These pants are tucked into a pair of black leather boots, padded for comfort with a pair of extra-durable shoe laces. Pierce also typically wears a pair of aviator sunglasses. Pierce wears nothing else. Nothing. Personality Description: Pierce is loud, obnoxious, self-centered, and above all, a genetic freak. His actions border on parody in terms of the way he acts, almost as if he personally went out of his way to annoy his opponent as much as possible. Observers with a sense of humor, however, believe otherwise. Pierce has showboating tendencies, giving up a quick victory for an opportunity to try out a new, flashy move. His banter begins even before a fight; as he bombards not only his opponent, but any onlookers as well; with a barrage of crafty one-liners. Before a fight begins, Pierce must either pose, or fight off the nigh instinctive urge to pose. Pierce is in it for the bitches. Skills, powers and abilities: [Indent]Limitless Swole: As long as Pierce continues to hone his body, there is no limit to how strong he becomes. Pierce has a maximum lift of one ton for overhead press, but can reach up to two tons with his mighty deadlift- all with perfect form. Pierce's muscles are powerful enough that they are capable of shrugging off bladed weapons, weak ki-blasts and even low calibur (7.62mm/.303 and lower) bullets even if his human skin could not. In addition, though Pierce finds himself in plateaus, he always continues to strain himself in hopes of being able to punch gods in the face. Pierce's normal punch packs an average of 2,700 psi; though his strongest right hook reaches up to 3,100 psi. Pierce's kicks are ever more fearsome. Muscle over Matter: By exerting an extensive amount of force, Pierce is capable of something comparable to, but much manlier than telekinesis. Pierce is capable of lifting objects up to twenty meters (65 ft) from him as long as they are no heavier than 400 pounds, and move them at a speed up to 25 mph. This holds true for Pierce himself, allowing him "flight". Pierce can lift no more than two objects at a time with this ability. Fist Extension: By focusing hard on his fists, Pierce is capable of projecting an image of his two fists up to 402 meters away from his body (or 1320 feet for TRUE AMERICANS). These images fly at a rate of 800 meters (2625 feet) per second, and hit with an impact of 2,200 pounds worth of force. This is not a ki-blast, or any sort of energy. Simply the raw, reality-breaking properties of Pierce's huge gains. In addition, Pierce is capable of using this ability once per minute per fist. Swole Cyclone: By focusing all his gains in one area, Pierce is capable of releasing a powerful whirlwind with his body forming the eye. His muscles force a slight disturbance in the tapestry around him, thus bending the air and creating powerful gusts of wind. This generates a cyclone with wind speeds reaching up to 210 mph, though lasting no longer than 5 minutes. This cyclone pulls everything close to its center, where- if unlucky enough, may be hit by Pierce's spinning body. While using this move, Pierce is in fact capable of moving freely, thus moving the cyclone in the process. Because of the overwhelming power required to use this ability, however, Pierce may only use the ability once every 30 minutes. However, even a single use in a day is enough to strain Pierces body for half a week.[/indent] Character Equipment: [indent]None[/indent] Character History: Born under the legendary star of Capricorn, Pierce was surely destined for greatness. Through his childhood, Pierce had a rivalry with his older brother. The two would always fight, thus sparking Pierce's interest in wrestling. Pierce struggled as a child, not being quite so intellectually gifted, and as he would soon find out, not even very physically gifted. Pierce was always chosen last in both sports and intellectual events. Pierce was bullied all through his education, and his older brother had done nothing to mitigate it. Oftentimes, Pierce's brother would even join in on Pierce's beat downs. Pierce grew up a weakling. However, he had great role models named Andre the Giant, and Hulk Hogan which Pierce had always lived up to. Pierce had soon began to make their image his own. Pierce took the concept of perfect men with perfect bodies and took it upon himself to remake himself and such a way. Though Pierce faced much criticism, he moved forward with his plan and began to hit the gym at the tender age of 19. Pierce's form was bad and the weights were light, but his gains came soon. As he went from a 120 pound weakling to a 130 slightly less weakling, Pierce gained all the motivation he needed to pull through and work out even harder. Pierce began wrestling at his community college. His first year, he was in the 120-130 pound division, actually cutting weight in order to stay competitive. The year after, he decided to take a break and focus on honing his body to become larger. When Pierce moved onto a university at the age of 21, he was 200 lbs. As Pierce continued to work out, he noticed that there seemed no end in sight for how strong he got. It didn't scare him or even discourage him in the slightest. In fact, it only motivated Pierce to see how far he could go. Eventually, Pierce's muscles became so great, they distorted reality itself. Pierce recognizes these occasional outbursts, as they are always heralded by sudden muscle spasms. When Pierce leaves the plane, the pain subsides and stays that way for perhaps a month, sometimes more, sometimes less. Often times, this leads Pierce to a strong opponent. Pierce at first felt redundant to fight them, however began starting the fights on his own in order to test himself. On his off time, Pierce only continues to train.[/hider]