[H1][center][color=ForestGreen]Laurel Greenethorne [/color][/center][/h1] [H2][center] Location: [color=ForestGreen] Mountainous area outside of Aberlyne [/color][/center][/h2][hr] Wiping her tears away Emily...no...Laurel Greenethorne started to berate herself. [Color=ForestGreen] "Is this all you're made of? One silly little thing happens and you fall to pieces? What happened to being a strong independent woman and all that? No, this is not ok. Time to grow some ovaries.[/color] Getting up Emily...again no Laurel, gotta remember she's Laurel now. And Laurel is definitely a strong independent woman. Her last name is Greenethorne. Thorn is in the name, obviousy that means she's not some wilting lily who falters in the face of...whatever the hell this is. Heading towards the road, she noticed a heavy amount of wolves spawning. [Color=ForestGreen]'This is the heaviest spawn rate for monsters I have ever seen'[/color] she mused thoughtfully. Approaching the beasts, a pack of wolves headed right for her, picking up the scythe, she swung it with surprising skill, unbidden a word came to her lips, [color=ForestGreen] "sweep" [/color] and she swung the blade through the group of them, feeling it bite into them, left a feeling of power in her very bones. Finishing out the swing, she brought it back and cut one of the beast in half. Continuing her barrage of attacks, she quickly cleared the field. Excited she laughed loudly. Jumping around she headed down the road. Waving and smiling the dwarf approached and introduced himself. [color=orange]"G'morning mon cherie! Don' tell me a pretty ting like you is stuck in teh game too. Awful shame, but what you gonna do? Anyway, where are my manners? My name Jethro, Jethro Roranson here, but back home It's Marcus. Pleasure to meet you! So, what's a high level gal doing in these parts?"[/color] Shock spread across Emily's face, the dwarf had a creole accent...say what now? This man is a character all right. listening to him talk was an interesting experience, but she caught on to what he was saying. [Color=ForestGreen]"Do you know what's going on? Because I'm honestly so lost right now." Blushing she ducked her, "my name is Emily...wait...my name is Laurel Greenethorne, my real life name is Emily. And am I a high level character? I think this was my brother's account. So I don't know how to do anything or check my stats"[/color] Shrugging her shoulders, Em...Laurel waited patiently for his response, rocking on her heels.