Before Ruce even saw the blond he already recognized him, and Sky chuckled at his reactions. He was still the foul mouthed angry pilot he remembered, that much was for sure. When the man pointed the mercenary just cocked an eyebrow at him and crossed his arms as he watched his old friend get up and dust himself off. Man was taking care of himself at least, that much he was sure of. When he finally got to retorting and mentioned supposed videos he's seen, Sky just shook his head. Ruce really could work a little on his come backs. [color=skyblue]"Please, your ship isn't worth half as much as you'd need to see one of the videos. Besides, with her you'd let control be taken from you too,"[/color] he retorted, fighting to keep a straight face and neutral tone despite wanting to laugh at the antics. Apparently he got a message, but it wasn't important enough to interrupt their reunion. Outwardly his reaction to the continued "verbal assault" was just closing his eyes and visibly shrugging so even the armor moved from the exaggerated movement. This is how they usually talked, others might fight it strange but they enjoyed picking on and fighting with each other like this. Was fun. [color=skyblue]"Same thing bringing a cranky old man like you out of his flying nursing home, payment for work I suppose,"[/color] he answered, then opened his eyes to smirk at the pilot. It was part true at least, one of the reasons he was here was to get paid for the last job he had from a couple whose child captured by a bunch of pirates wanting a ransom. Mission was easy enough, the stealth technology of his ship let him reach his target and infiltrate before they even knew what was going on, and the pirates didn't put up much of a fight. They were all dead now, so at least the galaxy was a little safer for the time being. There was another reason but... He had another comment to retort to. [color=skyblue]"You know as well as I do if you found out I was here and didn't smack you around I'd never hear the end of it."[/color] The smack on his shoulder earned Ruce one of his own, before Sky took a seat beside his old friend and popped his neck to the left then right. He didn't think anything of the pad, was probably just a way to communicate with his one woman crew and get information for whatever jobs were available. He was a smuggler after all, needed to constantly look for work to make sure he'd have money in the bank. The blond didn't have enough time to order a drink though before the coot took another sip of his drink and offered him some. Eyeing the red liquid, it reminded him of the drink Alexia kept around the house but wasn't quite as crimson in color. Sure, why not what could it hurt? Sky doubted it'd be much stronger than that. The sip earned a shiver from Sky, and a small shake of his head. Was about the same, but damn was he right about it. This is why he didn't drink so much, not because he lacked a tolerance but the taste of strong alcohol just wasn't his cup of tea. His wife could deal with that, he'd have the more "girly" drinks when given the choice. Just not now though, Ruce would have a field day with that knowledge. [color=skyblue]"Just a few years, mainly for something to do and to put money aside. Alexia makes enough for the both of us, being captain of the guard, but I'm not exactly the type to relax in luxury,"[/color] he said quietly, then held up a few fingers to signal to the barkeep he wanted a shot of the same. That way it wasn't a lot of it, but he wasn't just awkwardly sitting there without something in his hand. When it came he took a sip, shiver included, waiting for whatever was going to come out of the captain's mouth after he finished browsing through whatever. His own eyes wandered across the bar, looking for any sign of the target he was looking for on his own, but they quietly settled back on Ruce when his next question came. They then fell to the bar with a sigh, and he took another sip. Well, sooner or later they were going to get tangled in similar situations he guessed, might as well tell him what he knew. [color=skyblue]"Their usual M.O., selling to terrorists and dictators. Need to prove they're worth a damn, that kind of pay requires suiting up if you will,"[/color] he finished, closing his eyes. The man he was looking for was known for his contact with them, using their weapons to help equip his military conquests and expand his empire. Sky's home planet had been a target before, where the man showed he'd rather just destroy a planet then lose a battle to conquer it. That's why he'd been taking jobs here instead of closer to home, to make sure he would he around the next time they met up. He'd also purposely chosen this day to collect payment, the arrival of the Hundu Zephyr was sure to mean that his target was going to be here today... And then he could finally extract his revenge.