-Delcastle- Day 16 / Midday / LVL 12 Everything was going smoothly as he skimmed through orders coming in, having already talked to a few merchants at the usual spots it was now all a matter of organizing a direct path. Requests were changing, new items were going to become high demand when the crafters got to that area. A majority of players were taking things very slowly and safely so when the time came to buy gear it would be at a discounted rate, no money to be made at that point. Instead of the heavily forested area to the north it was time to have World Walkers take the path less traveled and go into what players had begun to refer to as 'the dark'. The tunnels of Garumns gorge were lightly traveled, nobody had made it to the end and the mountain terrain that split the floor in half was not capable of being traversed. So far it was either a tedious and long journey north east through the forests or risk the gorge. According to brokers who talked regularily to the rumor loving Delcastle, the gorge was overflowing with untouched treasures to find. Mountain boars and burrowing insects were abundant in that area and materials that grew in the cavernous depths were becoming in-demand. Already 3 separate merchants wanted crafting ore and stone that was easier to find in that part of the map. All of the relevant information was stored away on a note in Delcastles menu as he entered the Inn at Bulls run. Same old business, same old home. For now. Delcastle took a seat at the opposite end of the room in the corner and ordered himself a drink and a light snack as a PM from Cinera popped into view. "Can't wait to see you.. Hmm.." he scratched his chin in thought over the wording. Hadn't been all that long since they had been in the group farming the forest bears but it sounded as if she missed being alone with him. Something that would not happen if he knew Bulwar, that 7 foot tall juggernaut. Big man was getting a lot of attention from groups looking for a dedicated tank and very few could miss his 'little' brother in a crowd with two slabs of steel strapped to his shoulders. Delcastle smiled at the thought of Bulwar helping out other groups. His brother had the choice to work alone whenever he wanted and was positive that he had from time to time, using his sheer size like a billboard for the services of World Walkers. Maybe later floors he could get a new crew together to help run low level players through dungeons for a nominal fee and first choice on Rares. Win win situation, that. [i] JUST GOT TO THE INN ORDERED A LIGHT SNACK, STARVING BUT I GOT A SURPRISE FOUND A GREAT PICNIC SPOT. SEE YOU SOON [/i] The PM pinged away to Cinera as the food arrived at the table, Delcastle promptly paid in advance and thanked the hostess before digging in to the simple bread and a bit of ale. Even as he ate, his finger swiped through menu after menu. The work never ended but it was Delcastles secret joy to keep the ship sailing smoothly. If only they could find Mai'lo. [@sif][@Destinystar][@Pockets] -Indominus- Day 16 / Midday / LVL 16 The gorge spread out before him, deep and vast beyond imagination and tunneling likely inches away from the ocean in the distance, shimmering in the light, all watched by the impassive stare of a white bearded old man staring fondly from his seat enjoying the moment. Over two weeks he had been trapped in this confounded digital prison but it was unlike any jail sentence he had ever served in his youth. This one had a view that stole his breath every morning as he stretched in the first lights of the day. Right before going to bed, that is. Indominus was a man of advanced years who had come to SAO with his granddaughter in the hopes of spending a little quality time with her, only to find that he could not find the blasted girl for the first little while. It was only by dumb luck the impetuous little rugrat had spotted the familiar features of her elderly grandfather and confronted him. That had been close to 5 days ago he imagined. Indominus had spent that time carving out a path forward so he hoped as he stared back at the gorge. Not infront of him, but behind, having found the correct tunnel after nearly 3 days of grinding random mobs looking for a present for "Scarletrain" as the lass had asked to be referred to. he still asked to be called Grandpa, but the girl was feisty. She'd call him whatever she wanted. "Well. Better get back to work then." He stood up and his seat groaned. "Stop your bellyaching, Brat. Not my fault you lost." Indominus stretched his back with a satisfying little [i]crack[/i]. Unlike his real body, this virtual one was the same as everyone elses. Unrestricted by his own physical limits. Two forms lay on the ground groaning, recovering their HP slowly. It had all happened so quickly, with Inominus just exiting the caves when these two had come from behind and issued a challenge. Many players were turning desperate and tried to pick on older, younger, or lower level characters for a bit of coin or an item to leave them alone. Neither of these two realized that Indominus was not to be trifled with. The thrashing had been thorough as both reached for axe or sword and charged the grumpy hunchback, expecting to overpower him in combat and force a trade for his own life. Level 9's pushing around a level 16 was never a good idea, even two vs one. The first swing sealed the whole fight. A nimble fighter, Indominus had retaliated with a weapon-skill that stopped the axe wielder in his tracks, a follow up from his right fist took him under the chin. A few more punches took both of them down to the red. Indominus had been using them as a seat ever since. "Alright, alright, stop your grumblin'. I'm old not deaf. Sick of it already. Get outta here before I give you uppity punks something to REALLY cry about." He gave the bigger one a light kick in the rump for incentive as they both crystal ported back to bulls run. Indominus just scratched his bearded chin and stared off into the distance. "Wonder where I should camp.." he mumbled.