Pierce gripped the monster on the back, its skin much softer than he had anticipated, digging his finger's into the giant's rocky exterior. With a mighty tug, Pierce dropped to the ground, bringing the giant with him. Its legs flew up as Pierce's lowered. He was going to suplex a giant into the other giant! "SUPLEX CITY BITCH!" he let out his mighty battle cry. The ground gave underneath the immense weight that was both Pierce and the thing he was carrying. He had been buried almost knee deep. Pierce flexed his calves, the ground giving around them, dispersing outward and forming an 8-shaped crater around Pierce's body. The giant was supported over Pierce. He dropped his own butt to the ground, lefting the giant off of himself. His intent was to throw the giant onto the other giant, believing they were made of the same thing and that they would both shatter.