[@Evangaline] Ryou was sweating again. His mind raced confusedly as she touched him. [i]What is she doing? This isn't going to be good. What am I doing? I should stop her. Why can't I stop her?[/i] She stopped touching him and went back to her bed and stretched. Ryou took a deep breath and calmed down again. [i]So she uses other tactics than fighting as well.[/i] She closed her eyes with a smug smile and stated she would never use her abilites on him. As her eyes were closed Ryou silently put on his Oni mask and walked over to her. He lightly grabbed her arm under her shoulder and grabbed her leg around her upper thigh, effectively paralyzing those limbs. [b]"I rely on the silence. People never know I'm next to them until they see me, and at that point I can do whatever I want with them."[/b] After a moment he let go of the pressure points and took off the mask. [b]"Sorry, I really wouldn't hurt you either. I guess I just thought I would show off my skills as well. The pressure points thing is just something I picked up. I've studied a bit about the body. It's nice to know neither of us are fighters, but your skills are probably scarier than physical attacks."[/b] He went back to making his bed now. Getting sheets on a mattress is always awkward, even for assassins.