Everything happened pretty fast. People rushing to and fro, a guy diving under, then crawling his way out from beneath their table. Derrick took everything in as best he could, just processing and watching quietly as things happened. When Elena dragged the guy out to her car, he followed and climbed onto his bike to follow along behind her. "What the feck is going on today?" he muttered to himself when they slowed at a high school. Police and emergency vehicles filled the front lot and spilled out onto the street as well. "Everything' done gone ta' hell in a hand basket, I'm tellin' ya." By the time he pulled his bike up onto the sidewalk and shut it off Elena had already gotten the attention of a pair of paramedics who were looking at the injured guy and some bird was yelling at her about parking her mustang in the road. "Seriously. Has everyone lost their feckin' minds?" When Elena started following the bird and some bloke he hurried his way after her, slipping under the tape just in time to catch up to her. "What in tha feck d'ye think yer doing'?" he demanded, quietly. "Just cause ye think ye can protect yourself doesn't mean ye gotta go looking' fear trouble. Why're we following these two for, anyway?" [@Nallore]