[center][img]http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh592/TheAnarchangel/Charlie.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Charlie tried his very best to ignore the bile bile mother was spewing all over his brothers and sisters. Living in denial was a survival tactic he had mastered over the years. It probably wasn't a healthy tactic but by this point, he was so messed up already that it probably didn't matter. He was forced to shift his attention back to the matter when Amelia grabbed hold of his arm and asked if his mother was always like this. He looked at Cassiopeia from the corner of his eye and with an expression of slight disgust he muttered in a barely audible tone "This is actually quite pleasant for her." The youngest Carrington's cowardly lion tactics failed him when he heard Cassiopeia speak to Marisol. He very nearly jumped to his sister's aid and, in a rare show of bravery, was set to bark a retort at his mother in Mari's defence. Mari beat him to the punch however, going off on Cass like only she could. Charlie could then only plant himself in his seat. He leaned forward with his arms in his lap, looking thoroughly tense as he squeezed his hands together. Charlie hated this. He hated that he was too afraid of his own mother to actually say anything to her. He hated that Mari was yelling. Not that Cassiopeia didn't deserve every word of it. He just hated it when people yelled. It made him even more uncomfortable than he already was. He wanted nothing more than to drag Amelia off to some hidden corner of the plane and just stay there until this flying fortress of suffering touched down. But that plan went up in smoke as Amelia ran off after Mari. Charlie was set to follow after both of them when the old man approached. Charlie didn't even try to hide the vague look of irritation on his face as he peered up at Reginald. Not using his brain? Hell, Charlie thought he was using it too much. He thought about everything. Within seconds of stepping foot on this plane he had thought of at least seven different ways to sabotage it so that it couldn't take off. Oh, why hadn't he sabotaged the plane? As the old man wandered off to emotionally torment the next poor soul he locked eyes with, Charlie heard Gabriel tell him not to mind Reginald. He shot his oldest brother a sideways smirk and said "Don't worry about it." He flopped back into his seat, trying to relax and added "If I took every criticism the old man threw at me to heart, I'd be an emotional wreck, curled up on the floor right now." He smiled again, trying not to think about how close he actually [i]was [/i]to being that emotional wreck.