[@Vesuvius00][@Evangaline][@rechonq][@Slendy][@Whitewind][@TheHangedMan] [h3]THE REAPING[/h3] The announcement was repeated a second time and was then silent. The hustle and shuffle of students all migrating towards the auditorium, the large building behind the classroom building, replaced the silence left in the wake of the announcements. Already, the seats were packed, save for a few, those reserved for the infamous Class Noir. They were taking too long, and if there was one thing a student should never do....it was keep the Headmistress waiting. [color=ed145b]~"Find them."~[/color] She gave the command with an irritable sigh, and in seconds, they were off. Men dressed in all black suits stormed the entire campus and the dorm hall. Shouts and loud bangs could be heard all throughout as doors were kicked in and the men, their eyes concealed by dark sunglasses, barked orders to head to the auditorium or face...[i]expulsion[/i] Suddenly to room 327, there came a stomping, stern, vigorous footsteps that could only belong to someone of utmost authority, and someone who could command so much fear from quivering hearts. The door was kicked in, and there she stood...a harsh glare across her face, aimed at the two. [h3][color=B6B2B2]Ayame[/color][/h3] [color=B6B2B2][i][b]"You're going to be late! Hurry up!"[/b][/i][/color] She snarled at the two students, not even recognizing any of them, other than they were Noir obviously. All of Class Noir had the third floor of the dorm hall. Ayame had grown tired of waiting for Shizu-san. So instead of rather being dragged to the woods and shot, she was making sure she got to her fellow assassins before the Headmistress's men did.