[hider=Warlock] Name: Hadrian Lovecraft Alias: Warlock Age: 15 Appearance: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/valkyrie/images/3/30/Warlock2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141210072106[/img] Gender: male Powers/equipment: Eldritch Magic: Hadrian draws his powers from extra-dimensional entities beyond human understanding and has access to several kinds of magical abilities. Horror Tentacles: He can summon large gray alien tentacles that can attack and ensnare his opponents, this ability can also be used for defensive purposes. Eldritch Blast: Hadrian fires off a blast of pure magical energy that hits with concussive and explosive force. The power of this ability is determined by how much magical energy he puts into it. Nightmare Hex: He attacks his enemy's mind with psychic wave that does damage to them mentally by filling their mind with horrifying images. Eldritch Shield: Hadrian creates a barrier of magical energy that can block enemy attacks, it's strnegth is determined by how power is put into it and too much damage done to it will break it. Weakness: Silver is like kryptonite to him and will slowly drain him of his magical power. Even though his well of magical power is big, it is still a finite source and has to replenish over the course of a few hours so once he runs out then his powers will disappear. Personality: Hadrian is a very cunning young man and will try to think of solutions to problems first before going on the attack. He prefers a more careful option when it comes to hero work and Hadrian tries to keep his darker side in check by fighting against his urges to give into his anger. Because his magical powers stem from extra-dimensional entities of madness, his psyche is affected by his power and he has to focus in order to not give into his madness. History: Hadrian was born to the Lovecraft family, and great grand nephew to the famous horror author HP Lovecraft. For as long as Hadrian could remember he always had a fascination with horror and the occult. His mind swallowed up all of the cryptozoologist books and pulp magazines featuring his great grand uncle's work. For most of his childhood he was a bit on the strange side and focused more of his time in studying the occult and his writing than developing his social life. Around the age of nine he began to have strange dreams and his little did he know his mind had formed a mental link with the entities that featured in his great grand uncle's works of fiction, maybe they weren't just fiction after all. These entities spoke through his dreams and offered him power. They told him of a time when they would arise again and bring untold chaos to the universe. Their time was coming they said and a terrible future for humanity would soon be realized. They gave him their dark power and explained that he would eventually become their herald and help bring them into this world. These fears would become more real for Hadrian when Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman vanished and the world became a darker full of paranoia and fear of superhumans. Still new to his powers, Hadrian knew that he couldn't stop the chaos on his own and he would need help, which is why he decided that it was time to bring together a group of teenage superhumans to combat the evils in the world. [/hider] Name: Eddy Bogs Alias: Slime King Age: 13 Appearance: [img]http://images.neopets.com/nq2/m/m4110_6daf5.gif[/img] Gender: male Powers/equipment: Ooze biology: His entire body is made up of a mystical slime that grants him several abilities. One of them is the ability harden his body or parts of it by increasing its density to be as hard as a rock, and being able to squeeze through incredibly tight spaces. Natural weaponry: Eddy can shape his limbs into weapons and objects for offensive purposes, such as blades, saws and hammers. Regeneration: When he gets parts of body blasted apart they will reform, but doing so takes up energy and it eventually he will lose this ability. Superhuman strength: Eddy can lift up to a total of 25 tons. This doesn't improve his durability. Weakness: chemicals that remove waste and stains can be toxic to him and weaken him. While his regeneration ability helps keep him alive, it will only work if there is enough of him left to reform so if all of him is destroyed then he will die. Personality: Eddy is not the type of person or slime creature to just stand by and let innocent people die. Despite how normal humans view him, he still believes in the old ways of heroism and will fight to bring good into the world. Even though Eddy doesn't show it much, he is mindful of his appearance and suffers from occasional bouts of depression thanks to being unable to be human again. History: Eddy was born to a lower middle class family and was kind of a social outcast when it came to other kids his age. He had a hard time socializing and his likes didn't match those of many other kids and so he never had really any friends. Eddy did try to come out of his shell when he got older and made a few friends, but things would go bad when his metahuman powers activated. After the disappearance of the trinity public opinions on superhumans became worse and people began to fear the dangers of metahumans and their abilities. It wasn't too long after the big three disappeared that Eddy's powers developed and his body forever changed from a boy into a monstrous slime creature. He felt horrified by his appearance and other people shunned him for his monstrous looks. His shame at himself caused him to runaway from home and eventually he decided to go into heroics and do some good with his powers. He was eventually found by Hadrian who was planning to bring together a team of young heroes and help combat the chaos in the world. Even though Eddy was reluctant at first he agreed to join the Teen Titans and headed for New York state to the Headquarters of the team. Other: