[center][h2]Amelia[/h2][/center] [hr] [color=694489]Alright! First contact: success! It seems that this small girl is not completely clueless about English, but "I'm not scary"? It could still use a little work.[/color] Completely unaware of the misunderstanding that has been set in motion, Amelia continues to rack her brain for what little Japanese she has picked up from the various anime she had seen throughout her life. But as she is somewhat lost in thought, she hears the distant pattering of paws. Lots of them, but not quite as heavy as Master Lorand's mighty warg. [color=694489]Must be some low-level wolves. How foolish of them to confront me. I doubt I'm even going to have to use my specialty.[/color] Amelia lets her confident smile drop into a more serious expression, and tells the little beastkin girl to wait. "まって." The wolves finally enter her view, about six in total. [color=694489]This should be no problem for me to handle. If I recall correctly, the monsters around here should be around level 5 or so, reaching about level 9 at maximum. The main problem is this girl. I haven't tested my powers out in actual combat yet, so I don't know if I can properly cover for her.[/color] Regardless of her worries, Amelia knows that she still has to try regardless. She holds out her right hand, palm facing skyward, and, like a fountain of grey energy, unleashes a torrent of normal, unmodified magic missiles. Thirty of them to be exact. Five for each wolf. Each of them flying either up or outwards in a random direction before arcing towards their respective targets. [color=694489]Oho? Targeting is much easier now than when I had to use the Conduit to control my body. I merely imagine which target is which, and the spell automatically locks on for me. How convenient.[/color] Amelia can't help but smile at this realization, and figures that the matter of protecting the girl is no longer an issue. One of the wolves pounce towards the girl, but is quickly beset upon by the magic missiles, and each part hit explodes into gorey chunks of meat and bone. Each of the other wolves meet a similar fate, as they are all thoroughly ground into a meaty paste by the magic missiles. Upon seeing this, Amelia's smile once again vanishes, and is replaced by a look of pure confusion. [color=694489]Well. That was unexpected to say the least. Normally the bodies dissapear upon death.[/color] Regardless, the problem has been dealt with, and so Amelia turns towards the beastkin girl once more... "あぶないです. いくわよ." ...And tells her that it's dangerous and that they should get moving.